
Clinton, Biden thump Trump on the issues at Scranton campaign event

“There’s a guy that follows me right back here, has the nuclear codes”.


The congressman also pointed out that Trump had criticized 2012 nominee Mitt Romney for moving slowly in releasing his tax returns.

“Every president since Harry Truman has looked toward a Europe whole, free and at peace”, he said.

“When Joe and I were deciding where to have our first campaign rally, there really was only one answer”.

Shoffner said she was also personally offended by comments Trump made last week that “cheating” will be the only way that Clinton can win in Pennsylvania.

The vice president wrestled past year with making his third run for the presidency, before deciding his family’s emotional stores were too depleted after the death of Beau, the former attorney general of DE, from cancer.

Biden, who will meet Serbian Premier Aleksandar Vucic and President Tomislav Nikolic, will also discuss upholding stability in southeastern Europe, a region that witnessed the continent’s worst violence since World War II with the bloody disintegration of the former Yugoslavia. The former DE attorney general died in 2015 of cancer.

However, as the motorcade rolled down North Washington Avenue about 3 p.m., Noldy’s “Lock her up!” chant, referring to Clinton’s email scandal, was drowned out by a “Hillary!” chant from supporters.

“If I’m elected this fall, I’m going to ask Joe to continue the important work he’s begun”, she said.

In her remarks Clinton reiterated that Trump is not fit to lead the country.

For months Clinton has targeted Trump’s economic plan, but polls show his reputation as an adept businessman has been hard to shake. Pennsylvania offers 20 Electoral College votes to the victor.

Historically Democratic but with demographics that could give Trump a foothold, Scranton is the kind of place where Biden’s advocacy could help Clinton.

When it comes to global affairs, the vice president made sure his role on the world stage was not overlooked Monday.

“I love Hillary. I love everything she stands for”.

“But let me tell you why it’s a unsafe statement”. “They deserve someone who not only understands them”.

Vice President Joe Biden said Monday he would have stopped his late son from serving in the military if Donald Trump was president and controlled deployments.

Joe Biden is attacking Donald Trump, saying the Republican nominee “has no clue” about foreign policy, the lives of working class Americans and has “un-American” policy ideas. You know, they reveal a profound ignorance of our Constitution.

Clinton was riding to the rally with Biden in the motorcade to their first joint campaign event.

Clinton, for her part, mocked Trump’s campaign speeches.

Trump has blamed Obama for much of the turmoil in the Middle East and the rise of ISIS, saying the president “founded” the terrorist organization. I have served with hundreds of senators.dozens of secretaries of state and secretaries of defense of both parties. “He says he knows more than the generals do”, Clinton said. “We will strike their sanctuaries from the air and support local forces taking them out on the ground”.

“We should only admit into this country those who share our values and respect our people”, he stated.


Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic said Tuesday he expected significant U.S. support for preserving regional peace and stability, without which he said there would be no better life for citizens or economic progress.

039;Vote for Trump!&#039 Serbian ultra-nationalists chant as Biden visits