
Clinton Blames Russian Intelligence for DNC Hack

In addition to which, Trump’s latest comments on Crimea, NATO, and his campaign’s amendments to the Republican Party’s platform regarding Ukraine are not helping his case against the accusation that the Kremlin is backing the Trump campaign.


“When I said in an interview that Putin is ‘not going into Ukraine, you can mark it down, ‘ I am saying if I am President”. But, you know, the people of Crimea, from what I’ve heard, would rather be with Russian Federation than where they were.

In response to other questions about U.S. -Russia relations, Trump dismissed suggestions that he has any kind of relationship with Putin, saying he has neither met Putin nor spoken on the phone with him.

On Monday morning, Donald Trump attempted to clarify the incomprehensible position he staked out this weekend in an interview with George Stephanopoulos.

It’s too late to change the Trump campaign’s Russian Federation policy, and there’s no point trying to deny it. Trump and Manafort should just admit what their staffers did and defend the action on its merits, if they can.

Neither Page nor the Trump campaign responded to HuffPost’s queries regarding Page’s travel and his foreign policy advice to the candidate. “This has gone from being a matter of curiosity, and a matter of politics, to being a national security issue”.

After the digital footprint left by a hack of the Democratic National Convention appeared to suggest connections to the Russian state, Trump openly invited Russia to hack the Democrats again, quipping that Putin could help find “missing emails”.

Viewers were told that Clinton sees Russian Federation as an enemy and can not be trusted, while the Democratic Party convention was portrayed as further proof that American democracy is a sham. “Our athletes leave, we all leave and the day after”, he said during a 2014 speech to the Conservative Political Action Conference.

“Mr. Trump has said on the campaign trail the biggest threat is failed leadership on the part of Obama and Clinton”, he said. “He mentioned the N word one time”.

“Honestly, I wish he would tone down some of his messages at times and maybe think about how he’s going to be perceived”.

A boastful billionaire who says he’s been super generous to charity, you’d think, wouldn’t mind showing us just how rich and generous he is.


The Kremlin has repeatedly denied involvement in the hacking incident and said it does not favor any candidate in the November 8 USA election. Trump spearheaded the so-called birther movement which undermined America’s first black president by claiming that he was not born in the United Sates, and so disqualified from the job. The Ukrainian government says Russian Federation has done far more, sending more soldiers and weapons. When he was asked if he would advocate recognizing Russia’s annexation, he said: “I’m going to take a look at it”, before adding that “the people of Crimea, from what I’ve heard, would rather be with Russian Federation than where they were”. Trump slammed the twice-elected Obama as a “disaster”. The Obama administration sees Crimea and Eastern Ukraine as sovereign parts of Ukraine, and accuses Putin of violating global law. “It is a mess and I believe that Hillary Clinton will be even worse”, he said.

Asked about Putin, Trump says, 'What do you call a relationship?'