
Clinton blasts Trump for ‘casual inciting of violence’

Her campaign site says she also donated about 10 percent of their income to charity.


After the rally, Rita Schneider, a retired teacher in Des Moines, said she immediately panicked when she saw a protester rush toward the stage.

Her appearance follows a Trump speech on the economy, also in MI, on Monday.

She is likely to spend as much in this speech time drawing out contrasts with Trump as describing her own proposals.

The campaign also posted a video highlighting Republican leaders who have previously called on Trump to release his tax returns or questioned what the lack of disclosure may mean.

Kevin Young and Erich Schmidt, who are both involved with the Laborers International Union of North America, said that they made it out to the rally to support Clinton because they’re motivated to do anything they can to get Clinton into office.

Clinton’s campaign has already released tax returns going back to 2007, and has said decades’ worth of her tax returns prior to that are publicly available.

DONALD TRUMP: Nobody in that room thought anything other than what you just said.

With 90 days until the November general election, and just two weeks after the 2016 Democratic National Convention where Clinton was formally nominated as the Democratic candidate, Clinton and running mate Tim Kaine, U.S. Senator for Virginia, have taken to the trail to rally voters. The source spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the plans in advance.

“Words matter, my friends”, the former U.S. secretary of state, who rarely engages in direct back-and-forths with her Republican rival, said at a rally in Des Moines, Iowa. John Negroponte, former director of national intelligence under President George W. Bush, and former US Representative Chris Shays of CT, also a Republican, were among those who announced their support on Wednesday. I hope they clear this up very quickly.

A more likely scenario would be a replay of the 1996 presidential race, when Republican nominee Bob Dole was badly trailing President Bill Clinton. And Mr Trump’s running mate, IN governor Mike Pence, said his boss was talking about the election choice for pro-gun voters, not encouraging violence.

“Give me a break”, Trump said hours later, insisting was referring to the power that voters hold.

Both candidates chose tightly contested MI – specifically, the Detroit area – to make their updated economic pitches.

Trump has struggled to keep the focus on his economic proposal week after fresh controversy with his comments about the Second Amendment.

Lawmakers, former national security officials and other critics expressed concern that Trump had advocated violence, possibly in jest, against Clinton or her Supreme Court nominees.

Donald Trump made the remarks about gun rights at a rally in North Carolina.

Clinton’s campaign, seeing an opening, moved to bring disenchanted Republicans into the fold by announcing an official intraparty outreach effort on behalf of the Democratic nominee. Every single one of these incidents shows us that Donald Trump simply doesn’t have the temperament to be president and commander in chief of the United States.


Initially, Trump’s spokesman, Jason Miller, tweeted: “To be clear, Mr. Trump did not call on or invite Russian Federation or anyone else to hack Hillary Clinton’s emails today”.

Hillary Clinton made $10 million last year and paid a third of that in taxes