
Clinton, Bush jab over ‘longer hours’

Bush and Clinton made their rare joint appearance to mark the first graduating class of the Presidential Leadership Scholars program, a partnership between their presidential libraries, along with the George H.W. Bush and Lyndon B. Among other donations on our list: Neurosurgeon-turned-Republican-presidential-candidate Ben Carson contributed to the political action committee that furthers the policy goals of his industry, donating $3,000 to the American Neurological Surgery PAC since 1999.


The participants aren’t really politicians.

Democrats, including Clinton, jumped on Bush’s remarks as a sign that he’s out of touch with Americans already working long hours.

She slogs on, as she did for hopeless weeks in her 2008 campaign, despite embarrassments that would make most people want to disappear from public view forever. “And if it doesn’t work out exactly like you intended, it will still take you some place interesting and you will make a difference”, Clinton added.

It was impossible to ignore the elephant in the room. That is: Clinton’s wife, Hillary, is the clear front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2016. Mr Bush’s brother Jeb is in the top rank of contenders for the Republican nomination. I have great confidence. “It’s good for the children so that they can go as far as their hard work and talent will take them”. “But we’ll still be friends”.

“I know Jeb”, Bush finally said. “But I can attest to this surrogate – I’m not going to be a surrogate!”

The Presidents led opposing parties in office. They discussed a challenge they had shared: how to raise confident daughters into adulthood. “No question”, Bush chimed in. Her campaign later reiterated her support for comprehensive immigration reform and said that she supported the driver’s-license proposal. “I think what really discourages them, post-campaign, is the inability to govern in a way that is congenial”.

“People should and do trust me”, she told CNN’s Brianna Keilar in the interview that aired Tuesday on The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer.

That echoed much of what Clinton said earlier this year before she got into the presidential campaign. “I’ve been in every gang you can be in the Senate”.

Bill Clinton and George W. Bush have playfully called themselves long-lost brothers, a pair known simply as 42 and 43. In 1992, Clinton defeated the elder George Bush in his bid for a second term. Jeb Bush would not fight for the middle class as president. Another contest between the families in 2016 would break new ground.

“It is in no one’s interest for illegal immigrants and their families to live in the shadows. Secondly, we were both governors of Southern states, Arkansas and Texas”.

Bush also dismissed criticism that a Bush v. Clinton election would depress turnout.

Clinton said he agreed with Bush. Clinton repeated the defense she and her husband have made since the 1990s: any charges are old news.


Hess hasn’t settled on a GOP candidate but said Rubio “moved the needle” for him. “So I am happy to have a chance to get out and run my campaign as I see fit and let other candidates do exactly the same”.

Jeb Bush just stepped in it He's either a stone-cold plutocrat- or just a terrible pol who sounds like one