
Clinton calls for ‘true progressive’ on Supreme Court

Also hurting Sanders in the design of the state’s primary.


Sen. Bernie Sanders spent significantly more through the platform than Hillary Clinton did, but fell far short of the total impressions the former Secretary of State attained. I’m beating him awfully badly in the polls. “He’s authentic. He truly believes what he is saying”.

“The key there is democratic”.

West said, “Black people historically have been the most progressive group when it comes to social justice”. “He’s no wild-eyed revolutionary”.

“We have been dealing in the last seven years alongside an unprecedented level of obstructionism opposing Head Obama”, Sanders said.

Sanders still has to win over minority coalitions beyond young women – and young people in general – to win the Democratic primary, Albertson said.

State Rep. Anne Parks, D-Greenwood, is sold on Sanders’ message, but needs to see realistically how he plans to get those things done.

“You can disagree with Obama all you want”, Mr Sanders said, “but to say that the President of the United States, who won an election fair and square, was not a legitimate President, really undermines what we are as a nation”. “They’re both Democrats, but they’re very different candidates with very different backgrounds and philosophies”. Sanders continues to talk about something bigger than winning a political party’s nomination.

“Clinton is still in the lead, but her lead is narrowing”, Sanders said, arguing his campaign is still on the “path to victory”.

“It seems like one way or other she’s always been there”, Parks said.

The Massachusetts race could be critical to Sanders.

A spokesman of Senator Reid stated, “Clinton would be the best choice for the middle class”.

“The questions that I came in with tonight I feel have been answered”, she said. So I’m going to keep spreading this message – and not just in front of African-American audiences. Bottenfield said numerous local Democrats he meets are still deciding who they will vote for on Tuesday.

“We need that”, Parks said.

“Neither local Democratic committees or the state Democratic committee makes an endorsement”.


West did later concede that Sanders needs to be held to the same standard as Clinton regarding his vote on the crime bill. Doors open at 11 a.m.

James Clingman says that the Black community should be asking candidates about how much campaign money they’ve spent with Black-owned media i.e. newspapers radio