
Clinton Camp Offers Supporters a ‘Woman Card’ for $1

After jumping on the comment to turn it to her advantage, Clinton is actually issuing an official “Woman Card”. “To think about how that will all play out, I just don’t know”. Now, after 80 percent of the states have had their say, including a set of resounding wins by each of them on Tuesday, Clinton and Trump are within arm’s length of facing off in the November general election. More importantly (given the flakiness of general election polling so far in advance), they’ve said that pretty consistently for six months.


Cruz went on to say that Kasich is a “good” and “honorable” man.

Clinton’s suppoters can recieve the card by donating to her campaign. About half of Sanders supporters view Clinton positively, with a quarter holding strongly unfavorable opinions of her. But more than three-quarters of his backers have a strongly unfavorable opinion of Trump.

Superdelegates who back Hillary Clinton have reported receiving threats and harassment online and over the phone from Bernie Sanders supporters, the AP reports.

Maybe Trump’s new team of veteran campaign strategists conducted exhaustive research into the attitudes of undecided female voters and discovered that they all long for a candidate with the balls to argue, “Women have an easier time attaining positions of power in America than men do”. Bernie Sanders has large crowds – not as large as Mr. Trump’s, but large crowds – and so there is a level of excitement there for people about his messaging and we will bring those people in.

Asked how female candidates who are accused of using the gender card can fight back – without being accused of wielding that card – Warren responded, “Just get out there and do your job every day”.

Main Line Republicans are known for preferring moderation to bombast, but some voters there saw both this time – in Trump. He says he’s more focused on uniting the party behind the eventual nominee. Trump’s supporters are way more anxious about terrorism than Sanders’s or Clinton’s.

Despite their starkly different backgrounds, both Trump and Sanders have managed to garner huge followings by tapping into a similar anger that’s erupted into the open in this election cycle. That’s a direct quote from the candidate himself. In reality, Sanders campaign was laying off campaign workers in states where the primaries were already over and will be focusing his efforts on California and other states who still have primaries to hold.

IN remains their best possible opportunity to knock Trump off-course from the 1,237 delegates he needs to win the nomination outright, and Sen.

He told a rally: “Let me make this clear, so there is no confusion. She wants this election to be about lifting people up, not tearing them down”.

“I mean, it would be nice if the Federal Bureau of Investigation moved it along”, Sanders said. “He may try to do that, it’s going to be very hard though because of previous statements that he’s made about policies and people and categories of people like Hispanics, women and Muslims”, said Thurber.


Sanders revealed the changes on Wednesday, but the Vermont senator also said that he will remain in the race through the Democratic National Convention, “until the last vote is cast”. “So what Trump is doing is smart”.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks. After toying with gender politics off and on during the campaign Donald Trump is all in on a mission to undercut Hillary Clinton�s credentials by syncin