
Clinton Camp: We Won’t Respond to Trump’s ‘Degrading Language’

Donald Trump fans are less likely to admit their support during phone interviews because the response isn’t “socially acceptable”, a new study says.


Donald Trump calls Hillary Clinton a ‘liar’ while campaigning in Grand Rapids
Hell, Trump himself said that he “probably radicalized” one of the San Bernardino shooters with his Muslim-focused policy proposals.

During his rally Monday at Grand Rapids’ DeltaPlex Arena, Trump used crude language to portray Clinton as someone who constantly loses, citing her race against Barack Obama for the Democratic nomination in 2008. “She lost. I mean, she lost”.

Bryant scores 31 as Lakers beat Nuggets 111-107
Los Angeles trailed by 13 at intermission but outscored the Nuggets 32-16 in the third to take an 83-80 lead. Tuesday is the penultimate game Bryant will play in the Mile High City. “Kobe!” in the waning seconds.

In Saturday’s debate in Manchester, New Hampshire, Clinton said: “A lot of people are understandably reacting out of fear and anxiety about what they’re seeing [with terrorist attacks], and Mr. Trump has a great capacity to use bluster and bigotry to inflame people and to make them think there are easy answers to very complex questions”. I know where she went.

‘Star Wars’ propels Disney’s 2015 global box office to billion
On Monday, the Daily Mail issued a report saying that Ford earned a staggering million to return to the Star Wars franchise.

“It reminds the women who love her so much of the kinds of things that professional and successful women have to go through every day”. “Where did Hillary go?”

“Will @JebBush, in his phony advertising campaign, show himself asking me to apologize to his wife in the debate?” he added, referring to a moment between the two candidates in a previous debate.

Limbaugh said Clinton made a huge blunder, saying her comments make her an “abject fool” for inadvertently supporting Trump’s call for a halt to Muslim immigration.

“When I said that Hillary Clinton got schlonged by Obama, it meant got beaten badly”. Trump called Clinton a liar on various Sunday shows, and Clinton aides tried to walk her statements back.

Democratic leaders believe that reminding their voters of whom they may be up against in November helps motivate their party in a primary that hasn’t generated the excitement of the Republican field.

Congressman Jeff Fortenberry objects to the characterization fellow Republican Donald Trump has made of Muslims. He is also known for pouring scorn on hecklers at his events, as he did Monday night. The real estate tycoon suggested the protesters might be “drugged out” and chided another group for being “so weak” they would not resist security guards’ directions to leave.

Meanwhile, Clinton, who drew criticism from opponents and independent fact-checkers for claiming during the debate that Islamic State recruiters use videos featuring Trump as recruitment tools, doubled down on the sentiment. He denied that was his intention. Indeed, the same Quinnipiac survey found that while nearly a quarter of Americans said they would be “proud” to have Mr Trump as their President, 50 per cent said they would be “embarrassed”. Trump was quoted in Rolling Stone magazine in September talking about the appearance of Carly Fiorina by saying, “Look at that face”.

“Let me just tell you, I may win, I may not win, Hillary, that’s not a president”.


The poll does not stop here, however, because 59 percent have also said that they find Donald Trump unfavorable.

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