
Clinton Campaign Calls Out Trump, Releases Tax Filings

Tim Kaine of Virginia, and his wife, Anne Holton.


“Here’s a pretty incredible fact: There is a non-zero chance that Donald Trump isn’t paying (asterisk) any (asterisk) taxes”, Clinton tweeted, just minutes after releasing her own returns.

“In stark contrast, Donald Trump is hiding behind fake excuses and backtracking on his previous promise to release his tax returns. What is he trying to hide?” He has said that his returns are now being audited and he will release his returns after it is completed.

“Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine continue to set the standard for financial transparency”, said a Clinton campaign spokeswoman, who called on Trump to do the same. The IRS has said that nothing prevents Trump from releasing his own information.

Trump has said he is worth more than $10 billion, but no one has been able to confirm this independently.

Yet Clinton is undoubtedly beginning to cast her gaze beyond the Democratic base.

By any measure, Hillary Clinton and her husband have satisfied the Buffett Rule that she’d like to impose if elected.

“The only way we could lose, in my opinion – I really mean this Pennsylvania – is if cheating goes on”, he said. “It must be opening new vistas of human thought”.

The Clintons made $10.7 million in total income, but reported an adjusted gross income of $10.6 million due to a self-employment tax deduction. On Thursday, she raised the issue during an economic speech in MI.

The Clintons also donated a million dollars to the non-profit foundation that bears their name.

Clinton released her 2015 federal income tax return on Friday in a move to pressure Trump to release his returns.

In 2014, the Clintons reported $28.3 million in total income, deducted $5.1 million, and paid $9.9 million in total taxes, according to a tax return posted on the campaign’s website. They gave 9.8 percent of their adjusted gross income to charity, according to a campaign release.

Clinton and former president Bill Clinton have made their tax returns public every year dating back to 1977.

Clinton has pounced on the issue, releasing an online video on Friday highlighting high-profile Republicans urging Trump to release his taxes.

In a touch of irony-outside of book deals and government pension payments-an enormous amount of income that both Hillary and Bill Clinton received in the years following public office came through speaking fees to large corporations and other institutions.

The speech figures are not a surprise. During her speech in Warren, Michigan, on Thursday, Clinton pointed out that Trump “refuses to do what every other presidential candidate in decades has done”.

Most released their returns for several years, such as Bob Dole in 1996. She put out her most recent eight years of tax filings last summer along with her health records.


The figures show Hillary and Bill Clinton earned almost $11m in 2015, and paid a total of 43.2% tax.

Donald Trump