
Clinton campaign criticizes Trump for Pence pick

This image released Friday, July 15, 2016, by the Donald J. Trump for President campaign shows the new campaign logo for presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and his running mate Indiana Gov. Mike Pence.


One of the governor’s aides filed the paperwork with the Indiana Secretary of State’s office a few minutes after Trump announced that Pence would join him on the Republican ticket. That form, signed by Pence and dated Thursday, was delivered to state election officials about an hour before the noon deadline.

Pence, 57, has served as governor of IN since 2013 and also represented the state IN Congress for more than a decade.

“Trump’s choice of Pence makes it clear that his vision of America doesn’t include LGBT people”, said LaSalvia, who is supporting Democrat Hillary Clinton for president and is the author of No Hope: Why I Left the GOP – and You Should Too.

Mr Pence was also attacked for the planned 2015 launch of “JustIN”, a state-operated news service that was ditched after critics panned it as “Pravda on the Plains”. “He is a good listener and seeks input on issues from all commodity groups”, Villwock said.

Pence also last month criticized Trump’s speculation that a federal judge born in IN was ruling against him in a lawsuit because of the judge’s Mexican ancestry.

The pick of Pence as running mate came as Trump was scrambling to solidify the Republican base and win support from social conservatives.

“Great pick. @mike_pence is rock solid”, tweeted former 2016 presidential candidate Marco Rubio, a U.S. senator from Florida. “We’re encouraged it’s somebody (with) their hand on the pulse of agriculture and … really probably knows what end of the cow does what”.

Trump is also choosing a running mate who has been at odds with him on numerous policy positions.

Among the notable politicians not seeking the governor’s seat are Daniels, who said he wouldn’t Thursday, and Indiana House Speaker Brian Bosma, who said in a statement that he’d received “many calls” urging him to run. “@mike_pence is rock solid”.

The 22-member Republican committee has 30 days to select a new nominee for governor, but former state Republican Chairman Mike McDaniel said he expects a decision will be sooner. “I can think of no better choice for our vice presidential candidate”. “Anybody that represents IN knows the value of ag and how important it is to the country”. For instance, Pence, a born-again evangelical, was raised a Catholic and idolized John F. Kennedy.

Less than a week after Cruz dropped out, Pence endorsed Trump.

However, the two differ on a range of issues crucial to Trump’s candidacy.

In December, Pence tweeted that calls to ban Muslim immigration to the US were “offensive and unconstitutional”. That contrasts to Trump’s populist condemnations of trade deals as bad for American workers.


Pelosi expressed her assurance that the American People will not favor Pence as VP. The administration is also in the process of negotiating the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership with the European Union.

Gregory T. Angelo and Jimmy La Salvia Mike Pence