
Clinton Campaign Declares Victory In Iowa, Sanders Calls Results ‘Virtual Tie’

Ted Cruz has beaten Donald Trump for Republican candidacy in the crucial Iowa caucus last night – but the battle between Democrat candidates Hillary Clinton has come up surprisingly close. The Monday showdown featured a three-way contest between Cruz, Trump and Florida Senator Marco Rubio.


“Tonight is a victory for courageous conservatives across Iowa”, Cruz said after his victory.

The victory for Cruz is the first time that the conventional laws of politics have applied to Trump, a billionaire businessman who has built his campaign around the perception that he’s a victor who can bring his unique skills to the White House.

Clinton led with 50.1 percent to Sanders’ 49.3 percent in 93 per cent of precincts.

The only other Democratic Party candidate, Martin O’Malley received less than one percent.

With 95% of results confirmed, Hillary Clinton clung to the narrowest of leads over Bernie Sanders and told supporters she was “breathing a sigh of relief”.

“I am a progressive who gets things done for people”, Clinton declared to supporters in Des Moines, saying she was “excited about really getting into the debate with Sen”.

“We knew Bernie Sanders would be close to her”, said Gilmara Mitchell (40), leader of one of Iowa’s voting precincts.

Trump had all of the momentum going into Monday night – he dominated the press coverage, spent more than any candidate on huge rallies, and was even surging in the final polls. Unlike Iowa and New Hampshire, South Carolina has a large number of African-American voters, which should help Clinton. Speaking of Rubio and Cruz Monday night, Bush said they don’t have the experience to win.

Claiming victory, Cruz fired immediate shots at both Trump and the party elites he has so infuriated by waging an anti-establishment crusade that has nevertheless endeared him to the GOP’s rank and file.

Our tracking poll combines three days of polling, so not much of it includes New Hampshire’s voters reacting to the Iowa results. The remaining candidates head on to New Hampshire for next Tuesday’s primary. The lawmaker, who smiled broadly as he addressed supporters, is leading in New Hampshire, home to next week’s second contest, but trails Clinton in other states such as SC, which holds the third contest.

Both candidates have expressed their support for the LGBT community and same-sex marriage, although Clinton’s approach to the issue is seen as stronger.

But Sanders says he took a “giant step” in Iowa to overcome doubts among voters that he could win a general election. But tonight, tonight here in Iowa, the people of this great state sent a very clear message: after seven years of Barack Obama, we are not waiting any longer to take our country back.

Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee said he was suspending his campaign for the Republican party nomination.

Clinton also lashed out at the divisive policies of the Republican candidates.

But Sanders called the results a “virtual tie” and said his razor-thin contest against Clinton is giving his campaign a “kick-start”.


“Hillary Clinton has won the Iowa Caucus”, Clinton Iowa state director Matt Paul said in a statement, according to ABC.

Ted Cruz