
Clinton Campaign Fields Questions About DNC Email Hack, Russia’s Involvement

All Trump said was that he hoped Russian Federation could find emails that Hillary Clinton deleted from her private server.


Mr. Trump’s irresponsible comments underscore his lack of understanding of consequences in the real world. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press”, Trump said during questions Wednesday morning about the hacking of DNC emails. But he then said he hoped that such hackers would find Hillary Clinton’s missing emails called on Russian Federation to cyber-invade the United States to help get him elected. “What I do know is that Donald Trump has repeatedly expressed admiration for Vladimir Putin”.

The HBO host addressed the Trump-Russia connection-and his treason-adjacent ask-again during the panel portion of the show, pointing out that if Hillary Clinton had done the same, requesting that a hostile foreign actor commit cyberterrorism against her opponent, she’d be absolutely crucified and potentially be branded a traitor. He’s now facing widespread criticism for calling on Moscow to conduct cyber-espionage on the former secretary of state.

That with the technology and the genius we have in this country, not in government unfortunately, but with the genius we have in government, we don’t even know who took the Democratic National Committee e-mails.

The Republican presidential nominee was referring to a private email system Clinton kept in her home in Chappaqua, New York, while secretary of state from 2009 to 2013. “And what they said on those emails is a disgrace, and they’re just trying to deflect from that”.

A Federal Bureau of Investigation probe of the issue found no basis for criminal charges, but FBI Director James Comey this month said there was evidence Clinton was “extremely careless” in her handling of classified information.

USA media said that intelligence experts believed that the Russian government was behind the hacking of the DNC emails.

“It’s just a total deflection, this whole thing with Russia”, Trump said.

“I have nothing to do with Putin”. “I think certainly at the very least it was inappropriate for him to side with Russian Federation yesterday, and I think it’s another indication of why he’s disqualified to be president”.

The scandal has since caused DNC chairperson Debbie Wasserman Schultz to resign.

But Trump said he was only being sarcastic. “First of all, Trump is always talking about how much he loves Putin”. The Kremlin emphatically denied Russian Federation was involved.

“But it would be interesting to see – I will tell you this”.

A US State Department spokesman declined to comment on Trump’s remarks on Wednesday.

Trump’s vice-presidential running mate Mike Pence quickly tried to limit the fallout from the mogul’s comments.

During the lengthy press conference, he also told a female reporter to “be quiet” and called President Obama “the most ignorant president in our history”.

The official also emphasized that the briefings for Trump and Clinton “will be provided on an even-handed, non-partisan basis”.


Russia’s support for separatist fighters in eastern Ukraine and its annexation of Crimea spooked Eastern Europe, especially the Baltic nations that were once part of the Soviet Union.

Donald Trump says his suggestion that Russia should