
Clinton Campaign Fights Back Against Claim That She’d Support TPP

Well… that’s complicated. When she was secretary of state, Clinton backed the version of the Trans Pacific Partnership that was still being crafted. Bernie Sanders, the former populist Democratic candidate from Vermont, and Republican nominee Donald J. Trump.


Seems like there’s not many out there who believe she won’t.

The controversy came as her vice presidential pick, Virginia Sen.

Kind cut that short, but Sanders delegate Andrew Walsh of Apppleton did talk to reporters.

“With or without the TPP, our goal is to improve our investment environment”, Tran Xuan Ha, a deputy finance minister, said in an interview in Hanoi.

Let’s start with NAFTA – the North American Free Trade Agreement – which set up a free trade zone between Canada, Mexico and the US.

While the deal’s fate has not been settled, U.S. Commerce officials are preparing American businesses for how they’ll benefit. He said he met with House Democrats, who overwhelmingly oppose the pact, on Monday and reiterated that position. Listen, she was in support of it.

If Hillary wins, she won’t want to deepen the divisions with her party by passing it.

NBC anchor Chuck Todd said something very interesting Wednesday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe”. “But she’s going to go against the person who appointed her to the position, she’s going to do what her boss tells her”, replied Granholm. She has since walked back her praise.

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s delicate tap dance around foreign trade agreements is catching up to her as she prepares to accept the nomination of her party.

Sanders’s supporters in the labor movement reacted warily.

“While Clinton continues to pander to Sanders supporters, her true intentions have never been clearer”.

But Trump ran with McAuliffe’s comments, characterizing the episode as a rare moment of honesty that showed that Clinton is intentionally misleading voters.

Donald Trump pounced on the report during a press conference at his Doral resort in Miami on Wednesday.

Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook rejected the notion that as a longtime family friend and close political ally, McAuliffe has a window to beliefs or plans that Clinton is keeping hidden for now.

Pence said trade deals should be on a country-by-country basis.

Philadelphia – Opponents of a new trade deal interrupted a speech by Democratic Cong.

Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta was also swift to rebuke the comments.

The Clinton campaign also flatly denied the claim, saying McAuliffe “got this one flat wrong”.


Sanders is concerned that President Barack Obama may try to get legislators to approve the TPP in the congressional session that takes place after the November election and before the new Congress and president take office next year.

Weak Sauce Pro Clinton Granholm Defends Clinton's Flip Flop On Trade Says She'll Do Whatever Her Boss Says