
Clinton campaign hails progressive Democratic platform

Sanders has vowed to keep fighting on these issues with proposed amendments to the platform at the Democratic Convention on July 8.


The campaign will continue into the party’s convention next month, where Mr Sanders will push Mrs Clinton to adopt some of his left-wing policies.

Rival candidate Hillary Clinton’s supporters turned back efforts by Sanders’ allies to promote a Medicare-for-all single-payer health care system and a carbon tax to address climate change, and freeze hydraulic fracturing of natural gas wells.

Although he has acknowledged in previous interviews that he is “probably not” going to be the Democratic presidential nominee and that he would certainly vote for Clinton in the general election over Trump, Sanders is withholding a formal endorsement of the former secretary of state as leverage in maximizing his influence in reshaping the party’s platform and rules.

Bernie Sanders finally said what Hillary Clinton has been waiting to hear on Friday: She’s got his vote in November. The implication is that all of the obviously salutary compromises reached on the platform – which Sanders’ own supporters say is the most progressive platform in a long time – don’t actually signal “which side” she is on. Clinton has said she supports the death penalty in some cases.

Mook, 35, regales his fiercely loyal band of young operatives, known as the Mook Mafia, with impressions, including spot-on impersonations of Bill Clinton and Sanders.

“Yes. Yes, I think the issue right here is I am going to do everything I can to defeat Donald Trump”.

A third of the seats on the Platform Committee were held by Sanders supporters, and the Vermont senator, who has tacitly acknowledged his campaign is finished, has made shaping the Democratic Party’s policies the last remaining goal of his candidacy. Because as this primary season shows, the tolerance for rigged results, corrupt party officials and the extremely disappointing “lesser of two evils” choice presented by the presumptive presidential candidates have sent waves of discontent throughout the nation’s electorate.

The defeat of the measure on Israel follows repeated calls by Sanders, who is Jewish and says he is “100 percent pro-Israel”, to change the party’s approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. For one thing, Sanders’ speaking up for Palestinian rights during the campaign gave new prominence and legitimacy to a viewpoint that the mainstream of the Democratic Party has until now largely shunned.

Cornel West, who also attended the meeting of the Democratic Party Platform, also urged members to take a stand against the trade deal.

Sanders’ allies wanted the draft to specify that a $15 per hour minimum wage should be indexed with inflation. Sanders supports reinstating the Depression-era Glass-Steagall Act, which prohibited commercial banks from engaging in investment banking activities. Sarandon says to the woman, referring to Sanders.

Asked on MSNBC if he would vote for the former secretary of state, Sanders said, “Yes”. This theory appears to be backed up by the fact that Sanders leads among hand-counted mail-in ballots, whereas Clinton leads where machines counted ballots.

In Washington state, meanwhile, Obama told Democratic donors that “it’s up to you” after the failure to move ahead with gun legislation in the aftermath of the Orlando shootings.


Sanders supporter Allison Davenport said afterwards that she is inspired to use her skills to help a friend seek local office.

CNN host Jake Tapper Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders