
Clinton Campaign Has A Brand New Explanation For Hillary’s Email Setup

Unlike the mid-Atlantic states that Clinton swept last month, California permits independent voters to cast ballots in the Democratic primary, and the Sanders campaign has been appealing to voters registered in the Green Party and the Peace and Freedom Party to reregister as Democrats or independents so they can vote for the Vermont senator. But what Clinton has been is almost as problematic as being crooked: Hunkered Hillary.


Why did Hillary Clinton decide to use her own server and risk damage to her political career?

Why did she use the private email setup?

WASHINGTON (AP) – Hillary Clinton contends a new government audit critical of her use of a private email server as secretary of state won’t affect her Democratic presidential campaign. Clinton has been in government far too long not to know the need for properly preserving federal records.

Clinton says there were never any security breaches, though that can’t be independently confirmed.

The sharp rebuke from the State Department’s inspector general, obtained by the AP Wednesday, which found Clinton did not seek legal approval for her personal email server, guarantees that the issue will remain alive and well for the likely Democratic presidential nominee for a second summer. In the audit report, four of Clinton’s top State Department aides refused interview requests.

Add in the stinging report from the State Department inspector general and the ongoing Federal Bureau of Investigation probe into whether her private server broke the law, and Clinton is a candidate under siege.

It’s bad enough that Clinton continually refuses news interviews on the topic, but to decline to talk with the inspector general charged with investigating her conduct, even as she is asking Americans to elevate her to this nation’s highest office, is unconscionable. A fourth former top aide, Thomas Nides, did not reply to the inspector general’s requests.

In late 2010, two State Department staff members raised concerns about Clinton’s private email account in meetings with John A. Bentel, then director of the Office of Information Resources Management, the agency’s computer services unit. So it is impossible to argue not only that this was somehow in compliance with State’s guidelines but also that Clinton might have thought it was in compliance, unless she somehow failed to notice when or why her ambassador to Kenya went missing. “The secretary has once again acknowledged this was a mistake”, Podesta writes.

That Clinton’s mistake could cost her credibility in what’s sure to be a tough fight if she ends up squaring off against Trump for the presidency is more than regrettable.

In 2014, Mother Jones reporter Mariah Blake used diplomatic cables disclosed by WikiLeaks and other records to uncover how Clinton “sold fracking to the world”.

“No, I’ll tell you – I’ll tell you exactly why”, Whoopi said. The next day, Abedin warned Mills and Sullivan not to send Clinton “anything sensitive” in their emails.

Warning No. 3: That May, Clinton herself suspected that there might have been another hacking incident when she “received an email with a suspicious link”.

A campaign commercial that aired in upstate NY in April touted Clinton’s work as secretary of state forcing “some of the world’s worst polluters” to make “real change”. “The Department’s current policy, implemented in 2005, is that normal day-to-day operations should be conducted on an authorized Automated Information System (AIS), which “has the proper level of security control to … ensure confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the resident information”.

The vast right-wing conspiracy had infiltrated the State Department! She will tell you she always cooperates with law enforcement, that she has attempted to turn over all materials to relevant authorities, that it’s just one giant coincidence her friends and family are constantly being swept up in prosecutorial dragnets.


“I don’t want any risk of the personal being accessible”, Clinton said.
