
Clinton campaign manager: Trump’s Russian Federation comments prove he’s “unfit” for White House

Trump, the Republican Party’s presidential candidate, angered Democratic circles on Wednesday by inviting Russian Federation to unearth tens of thousands of emails from rival Clinton’s tenure as U.S. Secretary of State.


Clinton, the Democratic presidential nominee, came under investigation for her use of a personal email server while serving as secretary of state. President George Washington demanded that France recall the ambassador and Americans have since unequivocally condemned any foreign interference with our democracy.

Trump on Wednesday said he does not know Putin personally despite previously remarking the pair have met.

He spoke out after U.S. President Barack Obama said it was possible Russia might try to influence the November 8 U.S. presidential election after a leak of Democratic National Committee emails that experts blamed on Russian hackers.

“They’ve taken a sarcastic comment, suggested that he was encouraging that activity all the while ignoring the extraordinary revelations in these emails of collusion of disgusting statements regarding race, ethnicity and religion”, Pence said on Laura Ingraham’s radio show.

Donald Trump is lucky that the President and Vice President made such good speeches at the Democratic convention on Wednesday night, because those speeches drew attention away from Trump’s most recent and most significant campaign blunder.

Later in the news conference, when asked if he was really urging a foreign nation to hack into the private email server of Mrs. Clinton, or at least meddle in the nation’s elections, he dismissed the question.

Well-informed American friends once told me that a campaign that highlighted “getting along” with Russia and heaped praises on a Russian leader would be impossible in the United States.

The new Guccifer has denied working for Russian Federation, but Motherboard said when it interviewed him online he did not appear to be a native Romanian speaker.

In Syria, despite deep mutual frustration, the USA and Russian Federation are trying to work together to end a five-year civil war that has killed as many as 500,000 and led to global terrorism fears.

But Trump’s critics called the real estate mogul’s comments as reactive, irresponsible and disloyal to the country. Most of the DNC emails appeared to have been stolen on May 25.

Some Democrats still aren’t convinced, a sentiment underscored by the protests of a small but boisterous set of supporters of her primary challenger Bernie Sanders.

The head of the DNC, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, resigned over the disclosures, which disrupted this week’s Democratic convention in Philadelphia. A parade of speakers – gay and straight, young and old, white, black and Hispanic – cast Trump as out-of-touch with a diverse and fast-changing nation. He said blaming Russian Federation was deflecting attention from the embarrassing material in the emails.

NATO’s eastward expansion has always been a sore spot for Putin, who has accused the Western military alliance and the United States of violating what he said were informal agreements not to encroach upon Russia’s borders. “It could be China”.

Obama traditionally avoids commenting on active FBI investigations, but he told NBC News on Tuesday that outside experts have blamed Russian Federation for the leak and appeared to embrace the notion that President Vladimir Putin might have been responsible because of what he described as Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s affinity for Putin.

Putin and Trump, by contrast, have expressed some mutual admiration. He added that he had not seen news of the DCCC attack. I don’t know whether the Kremlin even has a favorite in the USA elections, but I do know what Russia’s ruling politicians love to watch.

“Russia has never interfered and does not interfere in internal affairs, especially in the electoral processes of other countries”, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said yesterday.

This is not the first time Russian Federation has been accused of meddling in politics overseas.


He tweeted in September 2014 about one of his favourite topics – Obama’s birthplace.

Trump at convention