
Clinton campaign releases updated health info

One thing that Clinton could do is sell herself as the better choice to the white working-class voters who are defecting to Trump. She promised a more policy-driven approach from Trump in the race’s final stretch.


A new letter from Clinton’s doctor, Lisa Bardack, explained the pneumonia diagnosis that prompted the candidate to pause campaigning this week and otherwise offered mostly the same information about Clinton’s health Bardack shared in a letter more than year ago.

She was forced to leave a 9/11 memorial event in NY on Sunday and was seen stumbling limp-legged into a Secret Service vehicle. During the follow-up, a non-contrast chest CT scan revealed the pneumonia. Bardack wrote that Clinton “continues to improve”.

In December 2012, as Clinton was near the end of her term as secretary of state, she fell at home and suffered a concussion, developing a blood clot shortly thereafter. Her total cholesterol was 189; her LDL or “bad” cholesterol was 103, and her HDL or “good” cholesterol was 56 – all within healthy levels and not signalling the need for any medications.

A detailed letter about her treatment and overall health has been released by the campaign – with the rest of her complete physical exam described as “normal”.

The letter said Clinton was in excellent physical condition. She found that Clinton was “re-hydrating and recovering nicely”. But his disclosures have been even less specific. Bornstein admitted last month he had written the letter in five minutes while a limo sent by Trump waited outside.

Until Thursday, the only information on Trump’s health had come in a widely ridiculed letter from his doctor declaring he would be the healthiest person to ever serve as president.

Clinton’s appearance on Thursday, her upcoming swing through battleground states and the deployment of t to OH this weekend are clear signs that the campaign hopes to blunt whatever momentum Trump may have in much the same way they during the primaries – slowly, methodically and with a keen focus on the fundamentals of the race.

But the plan for releasing the results was chaotic.

Back on the campaign trail, a reflective Hillary Clinton said on Thursday that her three-day, doctor-mandated break gave her new perspective on why she is running to be president.

Mr Trump, after releasing his health information, spent Thursday laying out plans to lower taxes by 4.4 trillion United States dollars over a decade and cut regulations, including some of those now meant to protect the food Americans eat and the air they breathe. Trump said the growth would generate 25 million new jobs.

She noted that Oz “wasn’t present at his physical”. “Trump doesn’t have any problem getting into a van and Hillary does”. Reporters were not allowed into the show, which is scheduled for broadcast Thursday. The letter from Clinton’s doctor made no mention of her weight, a key part of any medical exam, nor did a similar letter released past year.

“May I see them?” They steal, lie, and take from hardworking Americans. Now, about seven in 10 support Trump. They either go to work sick or they lose a paycheck, don’t they? Before releasing the new details to the public, Trump turned over a copy to Dr. Mehmet Oz while taping an episode of Oz’s TV show.

“Everybody has health issues”, said Burn. “We can’t clear you”, he said. “We can only say you don’t have risks for this or that”.

But now Mrs Clinton is determined to use her illness to her advantage.

Mrs Clinton’s strong lead over Mr Trump in most opinion polls after the party-nominating conventions in July narrowed throughout August.

“In any campaign you’re going to say something that appears too sharp”, said P.J. Crowley, who was a State Department spokesman under Clinton.

Sixty-six percent said candidates should be required to release previous medical records.


It’s hard to tell whether the back-and-forth will affect the election. Trump Jr also calls Politifact a lefty organization, says Colin Powell does not know his father, whom Powell called a “national disgrace”, and said as president his father would turn over control of the Trump Organization to his children and just let them run it without his knowing or hearing anything about it.

Hillary Clinton to Campaign in Greensboro Thursday