
Clinton Campaign’s Emails Hacked As Part of Democratic Party Cyber Attack

The hack involved a separate system and could not have resulted in access to Clinton campaign internal emails, voicemails, computers or other internal communications and documents, according to the campaign’s outside cyber security expert.


Clinton’s campaign spokesman said in a statement on Friday that an analytics data programme maintained by the DNC and used by the campaign and a number of other entities “was accessed as part of the DNC hack”.

The hack led to the resignation of the party chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz and sparked protests at the convention in Philadelphia.

A computer network used by Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton was hacked as part of a broad cyber-attack on Democratic political organisations and the people familiar with her campaign, said a news agency.

Some fear that Russian Federation may be trying to influence the presidential election.

The DNC hacking surfaced last week on the eve of the Democratic convention when politically embarrassing DNC emails were released by Wikileaks, an worldwide group that routinely publishes secret information, news leaks and classified material from anonymous sources.

But, said her press secretary Nick Merrill, there was “no evidence that our internal systems have been compromised”. They said in a statement early on Friday that they have hired cyber security firm CrowdStrike to help with the investigation. “The DCCC can confirm that we have been the target of a cybersecurity incident”, said DCCC spokesperson Meredith Kelly. But such third-party, connected systems represent appealing options for hackers searching for less-protected routes to attack an organization.

The Russian government has denied involvement and denounced the “poisonous anti-Russian” rhetoric coming out of Washington. The same entity was also implicated in the hacking of the DNC.


There is no information yet as to what, if any, data from the Clinton campaign was compromised in the latest incident.

Cyber-attacks on Democrats Clinton’s campaign also hacked