
Clinton charity donors surge amid Hillary Clinton campaign

A statement released on Friday by Clinton’s doctor detailing her current and past health record says the Democratic presidential candidate had follow-up testing from the injury that revealed a “complete resolution of the effects of the concussion”.


The release of her tax returns covers the period when Hillary Clinton ran for president, served as secretary of state and then made millions of dollars giving speeches.

The Clinton Foundation took a major step Thursday toward keeping its promise of increased transparency by updating its online database to reflect contributions through the end of June.

There have been more than 10,500 donors so far this year compared to 8,800 in the first half of last year, foundation officials said. As many as 40 separate donors previously listed by the foundation appeared to have been dropped without explanation on the new release. In a letter, she declares Clinton “a healthy-appearing female”, saying that Clinton exercises regularly, eats plenty of vegetables and fruits, doesn’t smoke, and “drinks alcohol only occasionally”.

“The campaign is going to lean into the fact that we are now going to be more transparent than Jeb” said a campaign official who joked that Friday is the day the Clinton campaign gets as much as they can out there.

The bank also joined the Clinton Foundation to launch entrepreneurship and inner-city loan programs, through which it lent $32 million.

In some cases, new donations were substantial. And it paid former president Bill Clinton $1.5 million to participate in a series of question-and-answer sessions with UBS Wealth Management Chief Executive Bob McCann, making UBS his biggest single corporate source of speech income disclosed since he left the White House. Penny Pritzker, secretary of commerce in the Obama administration, is a longtime Democratic fundraiser.

About 90 percent of the donations were $100 less or less, consistent with previous years, the foundation said. Among them were Barclays, Citigroup and HSBC banks, Duke Energy, Cisco, Dell, Toyota and Chevron. He added that “we did correct some names per the request of the organization or to make the listing accurately reflect who the donation was from”.


The blood clot, which was in a vein in the space between the brain and the skull behind the right ear, led Clinton to spend a few days in New York-Presbyterian Hospital and take a month-long absence from the State Department for treatment.

UBS increased donations to Clinton Foundation after Hillary's help with IRS