
Clinton clings to narrow lead as primary nears

Clinton’s roughly five-point win eased the rising anxieties of her backers, who feared a growing challenge from Sanders. “Do not allow people to say to you, “think small.'” The latest poll showed Clinton with a double-digit lead over Sanders in SC, which votes on Saturday”.


In Nevada, Sanders ended up with 15 delegates to Clinton’s 20. Clinton told supporters at her victory rally.

“We actually won the Latino vote yesterday, which is a big breakthrough for us”, Sanders told “Meet the Press”.

After a paper-thin win in Iowa and a crushing defeat to Mr Sanders in New Hampshire, the Clinton campaign had believed minority voters would provide a bulwark of support in the Silver State, where they had laboured to portray Ms Clinton as the candidate more committed to Latino voters’ issues.

Clinton, Trump lead in Illinois The Trail 2016: Rushing to Rubio to topple Trump Clinton camp claims delegate lead MORE’s campaign is claiming a slim lead over Bernie SandersBernie SandersPoll: Clinton, Trump lead in Illinois Obama’s FDA chief overcomes hurdle Overnight Finance: Budget breakthrough? He thanked the people who voted for him in SC as he stood beside his wife and kids, promising to win in Nevada on Tuesday.

In the end in, McCallum said, she questioned what Sanders would be able to achieve. Clinton also polled well on issues like immigration, race relations and women’s issues: 61 percent said they trusted Clinton more to handle women’s issues, 39 percent said they trusted her most on immigration and 44 percent said they thought she was best equipped to improve race relations.

“I saw a TV ad and thought it was me, but it turns out it was Secretary Clinton in the ad”, he said.

“There’s nothing easy about running for president”, Trump said at his victory rally. “It may take several weeks before the Democratic nomination is clinched, so she may need to have a strong showing, a win in North Carolina to help her clinch the nomination”. “Sanders does exceptionally well among liberal voters”.

Trump’s victory-his second after New Hampshire-was notable for many reasons.

In 2008, the last time the state had contested Democratic caucuses, about 45% of voters chose that label.

“This is about a slog, state by state by state”, he said. Currently, Clinton has 500 delegates to Sanders 70, with the two tied at 51 each for delegates awarded via voting totals.


Democrat Bernie Sanders campaign in the South – South Carolina, which holds its party primary this coming Saturday.

AP News Guide: South Carolina, Nevada step up in 2016 race