
Clinton Couldn’t Recall Briefings on Handling Emails — FBI Report

The phones were likely destroyed by an aide with a hammer. FBI Director James Comey said that while Clinton and her aides had been “extremely careless,” there was no evidence they intentionally mishandled classified information.


“Clinton could not give an example of how the classification of a document was determined”, according to the FBI’s notes in the documents.

Mrs Clinton said she didn’t recall receiving any specific instruction on handling classified material. She suggested that it might be a reference to the alphabetical order of the paragraphs.

Section 1.2 (a) speaks about three levels of classification, including “Top Secret”, “Secret”, and “Confidential”. Kardashian has always been known to treasure her BlackBerrys, hoarding them to keep spares in case they broke.

The FBI also noted that while it found no breach had been found in the former Secretary of State’s email service, it could not be completely ruled out as it was unable to acquire all devices that Clinton used during her tenure.

In the report, The FBI says it didn’t get to look at any of Clinton’s blackberries, but were able to check out three of her five iPads.

When presented with the email, she said she believed she was asking Sullivan to remove the State Department letterhead and to provide unclassified talking points. She officially ended her tenure at the State Department on February 1, 2013. More recently, two conservative groups, Citizens United and Judicial Watch, have received separate batches of State Department e-mails from their litigation, which has showed a connection between work at the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton State Department.

The files also include information on how the private server was set up in the basement of Mrs Clinton’s home in Chappaqua, New York.

14 of which were entirely blacked out – showed that the Federal Bureau of Investigation found no evidence her email system was compromised but decided it could not be ruled out because some of her mobile devices were not recovered. When “I don’t recall” wouldn’t cut it, e.g., because she was shown a document, Clinton resorted to “I don’t know”. SCI stands for sensitive compartmented information, or material so restricted it can only be viewed in a highly secured room called a SCIF.

Meanwhile, the Clinton camp seemed to welcome the report’s release.

“She relied on State officials to use their judgement when emailing her and could not recall anyone raising concerns with her regarding the sensitivity of the information she received at her email address”, said the summary. CLINTON was not concerned the displayed email contained classified information.

In March 2015, Clinton had said she never carried more than one device and use her mobile for both work and personal emails.

“I got around it all by not saying much and not using systems that captured the data”, Powell said, according to the summary. After members of Congress requested notes on the FBI’s interview with Clinton, along with its report on the investigation, the agency also released redacted versions to the public. And she did little to keep her account a secret.

The employee told the Federal Bureau of Investigation in a May 3, 2016 interview that “he was aware of the existence of the preservation request and the fact that it meant he should not disturb Clinton’s e-mail data on the PRN Server”.

Trump’s senior communications advisor, Jason Miller, had put out a lengthier and more detailed statement earlier Friday that painted Clinton as irresponsible and as someone with bad judgement. Still, the agency said that the server had faced ongoing threats from possible hackers, including phishing email attacks and failed login attempts.

Clinton aide Justin Cooper – at the suggestion of Huma Abedin – contacts IT specialist Bryan Pagliano about building a new server to host a private Hillary Clinton email domain and to maintain that server (separate from the Apple server).


The new details continued to fill out a portrait of Clinton as not particularly tech-savvy or eager to embrace new technology. She replied that she was aware of that status but did not recall any training for how to use or how often she did use it. Hopes that this would draw a line under the issue, however, appear to have been dashed.

US Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton