
Clinton Defends Email, Trump Praises Putin at National Security Forum

The issue has raised questions about whether she can be trusted to serve as president.


The Trump camp did not say how much of its $90 million August haul goes into the campaign’s coffers, and how much goes to the national party and the state parties linked to the joint fundraising arrangements.

She hammered Trump for trashing USA generals – Trump said Wednesday night that they’d been reduced to “rubble” under President Obama – and she portrayed the GOP nominee’s plan for taking Middle East oil as absurd. “They have been reduced to a point that’s embarrassing for our country”, Trump said at NBC’s “Commander-in-Chief” forum in NY attended by military veterans.

Trump suggested at the event in which he and Democratic rival Hillary Clinton made back-to-back appearances that U.S. generals had been stymied by the policies of Obama and Clinton, who served as the Democratic president’s first secretary of state. Earlier on Wednesday, former Defense Secretary William Cohen joined the list of GOP officials supporting Clinton.

Clinton and Republican Donald Trump spoke back-to-back but not face-to-face at the forum, hosted by NBC. According to notes released from Clinton’s interview with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, she said she relied on others with knowledge about handling classified files.

This would be just one part of her effort to “repair the damage” done to the Voting Rights Act, she said. “Certainly in that system, he’s been a leader, far more than our president has been”.

In what many saw as a preview of the September 26 debate, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump set out very different positions on foreign policy in a national security forum Wednesday night.

What would Ronald Reagan say about a Republican nominee who attacks America’s generals and heaps praise on Russia’s president? “We are not putting ground troops into Iraq ever again and we are not putting ground troops into Syria”, she said, arguing that ISIS could be defeated with air power and regional alliances.

Clinton said none of the emails she sent or received were marked top secret, secret or classified, the usual way such material is identified. “So I am proud of the people who are supporting me”. Republicans and Democrats voted for the automatic, across-the board cuts that affected both military and domestic programs, though the White House has long pressed Congress to lift the spending limits.

Trump expressed support for the sequester in interviews in 2013 – even describing them as too small – but seemed to suggest at the time that military spending should be exempt.

A senior adviser said ahead of the speech that Trump would make sure the additional spending was fully paid for but did not explain how.


The United States now spends more than $600 billion a year on the military, more than the next seven countries combined.

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