
Clinton disavows support from Orlando shooter’s father

That’s the Orlando shooter’s father after attending a Hillary Clinton rally on Monday.


Erm, did Donald Trump just encourage people to shoot Hillary Clinton?

On Tuesday morning, as news of his attendance set off an uproar on social media, Mrs Clinton’s aides moved to play down Mr Mateen’s presence.

“The rally was a 3,000-person, open-door event for the public”, the Clinton campaign said in the earlier statement.

At approximately 2 a.m. on June 11, Omar Mateen opened fire on Pulse nightclub in a three-hour siege that left 49 attendees dead and 53 wounded in the worst mass shooting in recent USA history.

Cameras captured Seddique Mateen, Omar Mateen’s father, standing in the crowd. “That is a fact and a fact we need to talk about.” he said, adding, “When I’m elected, I will suspend immigration from areas of the world where there is a proven history of terrorism against the United States, Europe or our allies until we fully understand how to end these threats”.

Clinton, on a trip through the crucial swing state, opened her speech with a tribute to the 49 people who lost their lives in Orlando.

Seddique Mateen, who once ran for the presidency of Afghanistan, has denounced the actions of his son in Orlando.

Mateen would likely have been screened as he entered the event, although to appear on the stage with Clinton he would likely require additional screening by the Secret Service or be hand selected by a staffer.

“It’s a Democratic party, so everyone can join”, Mateen told the station.

“What attracts this man to Hillary Clinton?”.

NBC affiliate WPTV spotted Seddique Mateen at the Kissimmee, Florida rally.

He then threw his support behind Mrs Clinton as he insisted that he “loves the United States”.

Seddique has previously condemned the shooting, saying it “shocked” him, but also claimed that “only God can punish homosexuals”. Clinton “disagrees with his views and disavows his support”, a campaign spokesperson told news outlets.

“The father of the very radical Islamic terrorist who murdered 49 Americans attended the rally, was on television through most of the rally sitting behind Hillary Clinton, and he said he was there because he supports Hillary Clinton, because she’s, quote, good on national security”.


But when asked if he was personally invited or received a chain email invite, he said, “I’m a member, so as a member I get the invitation, so it’s nothing particular about it”.

The Orlando shooter's dad popped up at a Hillary rally