
Clinton dismisses latest controversy over her emails

Republicans in Congress have seized on the involvement of federal law enforcement in the matter as a sign she was negligent in handling the nation’s secrets. The real-estate mogul, who claims his personal fortune is in excess of billion, will face a 0 fine for missing jury duty five times over nine years. Clinton, he said, “seems a little out of touch”. But it was Trump who sent ripples of excitement through the crowds that meandered through the fair, sampling turkey legs, bacon-wrapped ribs and red velvet funnel cake, dusted with powdered sugar.


The Iowa State Fair has had locomotive collisions, a boar weighing 605.5kg and Johnny Cash for two performances that attracted 25,000. “That’s why I wanted to shake his hand….”

Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump made a campaign stop at the Iowa State Fair Saturday. “I don’t forget”.

“There’s Donald Trump. What can we do?” he asked sarcastically. People pushed aggressively to reach out to Trump.

When people realized who was in the building, they pushed toward the cameras and flying boom microphones – so much that Clinton’s omnipresent security detail, which wore plaid shirts to blend in with the crowd, had to hold some back because they couldn’t keep eyes on everyone. “Trump will do that”.

Presidential contenders of all stripes are getting ready to hit the Iowa State Fair, and Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton is no exception. Meanwhile, reports continue to circulate that Vice President Joe Biden is considering a late entry into the race to become the Democratic presidential nominee. Noting she joined Snapchat earlier this week, she quipped: “I love it-those messages disappear all by themselves”. “Most voters actually don’t study or expect “white papers” and other wonky stuff”, says Iowa State political science Professor Steffen Schmidt.

Saturday, she said she never sent or received emails that were marked as classified. “So I’m going to let whatever this inquiry is go forward and will await the outcome of it”, Clinton said.

When Trump got to the pork chop stand, where Clinton had been only an hour earlier, an aide handed him a box of chops on sticks.

“Is that her behind the bald guy?” one woman asked.

As she prepares to visit the ultimate site for campaign photo-ops, Mrs. Clinton earned the endorsement a key Iowa Democrat, Tom Harkin.

“Now I’m in the crosshairs”, she said of Republicans. Juggling a lemonade and posing for selfies, she told admirers that she needed their prayers and gave an enthusiastic review of the pork: “It’s so good!” she exclaimed.

Some of Clinton’s supporters criticized her decision to avoid taking questions from fairgoers at the soapbox, although she did answer a few questions from reporters at a morning news conference. “We’ll walk and eat”.

Also taking the soapbox Saturday was former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum who won the Iowa caucuses in 2012. He got big cheers when he said he’d oppose the Keystone XL pipeline and reminded everyone that as a House of Representatives member in 2002, he voted against the Iraq War. “I love it”, she said. I will take care of people….

“If you work hard and do your part, you should be able to get ahead and stay ahead”. “So that’s pretty cool”. True. But now that we do know, trying to cast the story as nothing more than the same old partisan warfare misses the factual mark. “This country belongs to all of us, not just a handful of billionaires”.

Not everyone at the fair was impressed by the candidates. Clinton was then secretary of State. He also will release a tax plan soon, he said. “It’s all about the money anyway”.


He also fulfilled a promise by offering kids helicopter rides over the fair grounds.

Donald Trump is'a hate-spewing character and the rest of the GOP field isn't much better Democratic presidential candidate Martin O'Malley said on Monday.
O'Malley the former governor of Maryland is making immigration central to his