
Clinton Email Scandal: A Catalog Of Lame Excuses From The FBI Report

Hillary Clinton will answer a new round of questions about her use of a private email server as secretary of state before Election Day, according to the conservative watchdog group that delivered its 25 inquiries to the Democratic presidential candidate yesterday. “Hillary Clinton’s awful judgment shows she can not be trusted with our national security”, Jason Miller, a senior communications advisor to the Trump campaign said in a statement.


Clinton sent the email to former deputy Secretary of State William Burns, Jeffrey Feltman (a diplomat who is now the U.N. Under Secretary General for Political Affairs), Jake Sullivan (then a policy director and deputy chief of staff and now top foreign policy advisor to the Clinton campaign), Kurt Campbell, (a diplomat who was once an assistant Secretary of State), Cheryl Mills (who was a then a counselor and State Department chief of staff), and Huma Abedin (then deputy chief of staff who remains one of Clinton’s top aides on the campaign).

“Based on her doctor’s advice, she could only work at State for a few hours a day and could not recall every briefing she received”, the summary said.

Clinton has been hounded over her use of a private server while at State since launching her campaign past year.

Senator Hillary Clinton uses her BlackBerry during a hearing of the Senate Armed Services Committee in 2007.

In a rare step, the FBI Friday published scores of pages summarizing interviews with Clinton and her top aides during the bureau’s recently closed criminal investigation into her use of a private email server. Clinton previously has cleared that she has deleted and with held emails which are not related to her duties as secretary of state.

“Clinton’s reckless conduct and dishonest attempts to avoid accountability show she can not be trusted with the presidency and its chief obligation as commander-in-chief of the USA armed forces”, Donald Trump campaign senior communications adviser Jason Miller said in a statement following the report’s release.

The transcript also says Mrs Clinton’s “immediate staff” used their personal email accounts to conduct official State business, too.

Hillary’s version, when asked about a classified email she received on December 27, 2011, was to say that “no policy or practice existed relating to communicating around holidays”.

We already knew Clinton’s e-mail practices remained a national-security vulnerability after she left the State Department at the end of President Obama’s first term.

Building a case to charge Clinton for mishandling classified information hinged on whether investigators could prove that she either meant to do so or had been grossly negligent.

The FBI has provided Congress portions of its file on yearlong investigation.

The FBI probe did not look at whether Clinton violated federal record-keeping laws, and a number of ongoing Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits against the State Department over her emails remain underway.

“CLINTON believed the classification level of future drone strikes depended on the context”, the FBI’s interview summary said.


A Clinton spokesman dismissed Judicial Watch in an earlier statement as “a right-wing organization that has been attacking the Clintons since the 1990s”. CLINTON was not concerned the displayed email contained classified information. This reminds us of how cynically the Democrats’ presidential nominee looked the American people in the eye and assured us, for over a year, that she never sent or received classified information.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton testifies before the House Select Committee on Benghazi on Capitol Hill in Washingt