
Clinton Emails Flagged for Further Classification Review

While neither of the emails was marked classified at the time they were sent, they have since been slapped with a “TK” marking, for “Talent Keyhole”, suggesting material obtained by spy satellites. “But let’s also remember that the cost of living is different in Manhattan than in Little Rock and many other places”. In January, Leopold sued the agency to quickly produce Clinton emails and other documents that were sought under a freedom of information request dating back to 2014.


Some of Trump’s previous statements on immigration – including ones in which he said Mexico was sending rapists and murderers to the U.S. – have resulted in criticism of the real estate mogul, but he insisted Saturday he’s made no mistakes during his campaign. Former Central Intelligence Agency director Leon Panetta and Sen. She’ll either need to cave on this and go for a full economic implosion or find a way to explain to Bernie Sanders’ supporters why she won’t do it. Good luck with that.

Clinton had stressed repeatedly that she did not exchange any classified information via her personal email account. Several people, however, described this claim as tenuous.

Government lawyers had said that after officials from the Intelligence Community were added to the review process in July, the government expected to fall slightly behind in its production schedule, but that it thought the setback was temporary. Heritage Foundation legal scholar John Malcom says her attempts at a cover up might not work.

Also last week, the New York Times reported FBI agents investigating the server are trying to find who at the State Department passed highly classified information from secure networks to the former New York senator’s personal account. Solomon states that “officials” informed the Times. SCI stands for “sensitive compartmented information”, which can only be examined under strict security protocols.

The agency said the 305 emails with potentially classified data account for about 5 percent of the messages analyzed so far. I am running for president of the United States on serious issues, O.K.?

Donald Trump said it would be a “miracle” if Hillary Clinton is able to continue her run for president in the wake of the controversy surrounding her use of a private email server to conduct official business as Secretary of State – but if she does, he’ll beat her.


In the latest development, Clinton has agreed to turn over her private server to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, after months of refusal. Clinton also belatedly authorized her personal attorney, David Kendall, to hand over a thumb drive holding copies of those 30,000 work emails. In the letter, sent last week, Grassley poses a number of detailed questions for the normally reticent Kendall to answer and says it appears that Kendall had neither the proper security clearance to tools to handle the e-mails, some of which, it has been determined, contained classified information. Thus, all at the State Department of any ranking during her tenure may very well be implicated in her conspiracy to violate numerous statutes, including 18 USC Sections 793(d), (e), (f), & (g)-each of which carries a possible 10 year term of imprisonment.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton eats a pork chop on a stick and carries a lemonade while greeting fairgoers at the Iowa State Fair