Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton reiterated Saturday that she did not send or receive emails marked classified from her homemade email server while secretary of state, an issue that continues to overshadow her campaign.
Clinton’s attorney, David Kendall, informed the Department of State in a letter Wednesday that the company hired to manage and maintain the server, Denver-based Platte River Networks, was turning it over to the Department of Justice.
“It’s not about emails or servers either”.
“Early childhood and the environment and global affairs”, she said.
“I won’t get down in the mud with them”.
Inspectors general for the State Department and the intelligence agencies have called for a criminal investigation following their assessment in a June 29 memo that Clinton’s private server contained “hundreds of potentially classified emails”.
Bernie-mentum’ has swept across the nation as Vermont Sen.
All of the Democratic eggs were put in Clinton’s basket, a remarkable and rare decision for someone who was neither a sitting president nor vice president. It followed disruptions of the senator’s appearances in Phoenix and Portland, Oregon, by Black Lives Matter protesters who say his message to cure economic inequality fails to address institutional racism.
“No one will fight harder to end racism in America”, he said.
Other Republicans hit Clinton over the remark.
“I know that I speak for all of you that we are sick and exhausted of reading about and seeing videos of unarmed African-Americans being shot”, Sanders said Sunday at a Democratic picnic.
“And I think he’s very disappointed that I’m running”, Trump said, “because I’m the one person that’s going to beat her”. Nobody is going through my wall.
In my mind, it’s also why she used a private server to begin with. I love the fair. But she did not stand on that stage to subject herself to potential abuse.
“She’s still the overwhelming favorite”, Rosenberg said.
Senator Joni Ernst of Iowa, a Republican elected in 2014, said the presidential candidates are an attraction for some fair-goers, while not so much for others.
Iowa is already a place where even the most cautious-minded and carefully managed political candidate can have unexpected intimate ” and sometimes just plain weird ” moments with the public.
“It’s about us“, he said dramatically.
The crowd had crammed into the Surf Ballroom, which became a rock “n” roll landmark on “The Day the Music Died” – when, after a 1959 performance there, musicians Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens and J.P. “The Big Bopper” Richardson were killed in a plane crash.
Meanwhile, less prominent candidates – including former Rhode Island Gov. Lincoln Chaffee and former Pennsylvania Sen. “We have to be so tough and so strong and so smart that nobody will ever mess with us”. “In changing times, John Kennedy told us to govern is to choose”, O’Malley said.
Chafee, who voted against authorizing the Iraq war in 2002, questioned Jeb Bush’s version of how the conflict unfolded: “What kind of neocon Kool Aid is this man drinking?”
Clinton kicked off a weekend of campaigning in Dubuque on Friday by outlining proposals for more quality child care on college campuses and additional scholarships to help students who are parents.