
Clinton Embarks on Bus Tour Courting Anti-Trump Republicans

In Colorado, a key western state, her Republican opponent promised “no more Mr Nice Guy”.


Clinton went into her speech knowing she needed to inspire more trust and be seen as a credible “change-maker” in a year when most voters are dissatisfied with the status quo. “I’m telling you we’ve made progress but we have work to do”, Clinton said. The question that remains to be answered is: Can Clinton win without them? 25% decided not to choose between the two.

She told supporters in a West Philadelphia arena the coming election is the most important one in her lifetime.

“He’s voting for Democrats, because any party that would nominate Donald Trump for president has moved too far away from his party of Lincoln”.

He said that he thought Chelsea Clinton did very well and noted that she’s is friends with his daughter Ivanka.

“I don’t know about you, but I stayed up really late last night”, Clinton told an adorning crowd at Temple University in Philadelphia on Friday.

Democrats contrasted their optimistic message with the more troubled vision of the state of the nation presented by Trump and others at the GOP convention a week earlier.

Their goal is to turn out the coalition of minority, women and young voters that twice elected Barack Obama while offsetting expected losses among the white men drawn to Mr Trump’s message. Everyone knows about her, everyone knows her policy as Secretary of State so she’s very tough on China, especially her pivot to Asia policy which is very popular in Asian countries, but from the Chinese perspective, this is a containment strategy. The former New York City mayor made a surprise endorsement over the weekend for Hillary Clinton, and described Trump in his convention speech last night as a “dangerous demagogue”. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., for the Democratic presidential nomination, he was asked in 2007 why he wasn’t wearing a flag lapel pin and it came up again in 2008 debate.

Darin Bahl, Decided to Vote for Clinton said, “Oh she won my vote tonight, but it’s not so more what she said, but what Trump said yesterday”. She has blasted Trump for making so many of his products overseas, and for alienating women, Hispanics and Muslims.

Clinton’s selection of Kaine as her running mate could boost her appeal with moderate Republicans.

The bus has the slogan “Stronger Together” written on it and its been painted a bright, royal blue, CBS News reported. She promises, in effect, to be Obama’s third term. Then the convoy proceeded to an afternoon outdoor rally in the town of Harrisburg.


Clinton’s unpopularity is second only to Trump’s, with a disapproval rating of 55 percent compared to his 57 percent, according to recent averages. There, Johnson could help to highlight concerns about how a President Donald Trump or a President Hillary Clinton might misuse federal power.

The delegation to the DNC from the 24th Congressional District included Rep. Lois Capps Susan Rose Michael Heyl and Deborah Broner