
Clinton endorsed by 2 ex-South Carolina governors

His rise in general election performance is directly connected to growth in support for him by the Republican base.


Trump’s numbers have climbed dramatically since July, the poll shows, when he was still 16 points behind Clinton, CNN reported Wednesday.

Despite the high favourability rate, however, Trump is not regarded by the party’s majority as the ideal candidate to win back the White House from the Democrats.

Among 358 registered voters who identified as Democrats or leaning Democratic, 47 percent said they would vote for Clinton in a primary, while Sanders picked up 29 percent. About 56 percent say so in the new poll, up from 51 percent in March. Thirty-nine-percent said she did nothing wrong. The hairstyle of Mrs Clinton, who has been first lady and secretary of state, has attracted no shortage of coverage over the years. That’s down one point overall since the Fox News debate, while his support among women has dipped slightly, from 24 percent to 21 percent.

I don’t believe she can beat the Republican in 2016.

Clinton said she is enjoying her time campaigning and learning a lot first hand in her conversations.

That was half the margin she once enjoyed.

Trump is dismissed as not a real Republican who might wander off as a third-party candidate. The largest gender gap – 34 points – comes in a match-up between Clinton and Trump.

“The reason this campaign is doing well is because we’re talking about the issues that impact the American people“, Sanders said.

In the face of increasing legal questions about the safety of secrets on the private e-mail server she used as secretary of State and of a vigorous intraparty challenge from Bernie Sanders, belief that Hillary Clinton is likely to be next year’s Democratic presidential nominee has dropped noticeably over the past month. Bernie Sanders. Martin O’Malley received 2 percent, and former Virginia Sen.

In the meantime, the Trump campaign rolls on, defying expert predictions and forcing strategists for his rivals to ponder whether it is time for a more confrontational approach to dealing with “The Donald“, something none of them expected to deal with just weeks ago. Even among those who currently support Clinton, 50 percent say they think Biden should run.

She previously released two 60-second positive biographical ads – “Dorothy” and “Family Strong”- that portrayed Clinton as a “fighter” for families.

Hillary’s hair gets more scrutiny than my hair?


One Democrat with past experience in presidential campaigns said Clinton and her advisers need to be risk-takers. Sanders said, “This campaign is sending a message to the billionaire class and that message is you cannot have it all“. She has not personally been declared the subject of the investigation into her emails. In early August, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker led the pack in the state with 20.5 percent, on average, in the polls.

Bernie Sanders and the Size and Wisdom of Crowds