
Clinton Expands Her Attacks Against Sanders Over Foreign Policy

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton drew big crowds Friday in New Hampshire with less than three weeks before the first-in-the-nation primary.


Ms Clinton made this one of her main lines of attack at a rally at a liberal arts college in Indianola, Iowa. “If we’ve got the right presidential candidate, we’ve got a good shot of taking back the Senate”.

Asked Thursday if she regrets taking the speech money, Clinton responded: “No, I don’t”. Clinton is campaigning in Iowa on Saturday.

The latest poll from the Des Moines Register this month has Clinton and Sanders just a few percentage points apart among likely caucus-goers. At the same time she is painting Sanders as a neophyte who doesn’t have a grasp on the complexities of the world.

“They helped to lead the battle for marriage equality”.

“Bernie’s appeal is powerful, and it resonates with a certain lane of the Democratic electorate for sure, young voters, independent voters”, said Steve McMahon, a Democratic strategist who advised Howard Dean’s 2004 presidential campaign. However, they are wary of Sanders’ ability to win the general election and his stance on gun control.

“Iran seeks the destruction of Israel, Iran is a leading sponsor of terror in the region, Iran is flouting global law with its ballistic missile tests and its threats against our allies and partners”, Sullivan said in avideo the Clinton campaign posted to social media this week.

Then the ground shook with the release of a CNN poll, showing Sanders with a whopping 60 percent, almost double Clinton’s share of 33 percent, and O’Malley at just 1 percent. Clinton took the stage and echoed Shaheen, affirming “we are in a dogfight”, but closed with an expression of confidence in her chances. Ms. Clinton, on the other hand, is seen as an entrenched politician who doesn’t have a bold new viewpoint.

Read: When is my state’s primary?

Mr. Sanders is the candidate who is talking more like Mr. Obama in 2008.

Meanwhile, Trump ripped Cruz as a strident and unlikeable figure lacking the skills to negotiate and lead on behalf of the US.

But one major question entering Iowa is whether there will be enough of these voters. “What I’m hearing more and more is that (black voters) are now open to hearing Bernie”. Ms. Clinton is also doing better with black and Hispanic voters than Mr. Sanders, so if they come out to vote, she’ll have a clear path to victory. “I think I have the right judgment to conduct sensible foreign policy”. Martin O’Malley clocks in at 2 percent of support.


On Tuesday, a Monmouth University national poll found Ms. Clinton’s lead among women had taken a nose dive since December.

Clinton SC