
Clinton Extends Lead Over Trump Amid Khan Controversy

She raised $8.7 million online that day, the campaign says.


At the same time, more often this statement was supported by the US Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton backers (60%), than by supporters of the Republican candidate Donald Trump (33%).

Whitman, a noted Republican fund-raiser, derided Trump and said it was time “to put country first before party”.

A Pew Research Center survey released Wednesday found that almost half of Hillary Clinton’s supporters (47%) say they have no close friends who back Donald Trump.

Trump has faced a barrage of criticism in recent days from political allies as well as opponents after he criticized the parents of U.S. Army Captain Humayun Khan, who was killed in Iraq in 2004. The Pew survey showed that most Americans are more likely to discuss the 2016 presidential race with people who share their support for the same candidate.

Not to mention, this is arguably one of the most contentious eras in U.S. politics ever, so it’s not very often you see any level of support between the two major parties. And he said that’s my real Purple Heart.

In his letter, Hanna says the country needs a working two-party system that includes compromise.

That confidence is shared by some but not all conservatives, in a battle for the heart of the Republican Party.

The Republican nominee also told supporters he thought the November election might be “rigged”.

Hanna wrote that he has “long held the belief that the Republican Party is becoming increasingly less capable of nominating a person who is electable as president”, suggesting that Hispanics, women, and the LGBT communities are groups that the GOP has grown increasingly out-of-step with. “I trust she can lead”, Hanna said of the former Secretary of State and first lady. In a letter to The Syracuse Post Standard and Syracuse-dot-com, Hanna says he fears Donald Trump will make issues such as tax reform, infrastructure, immigration and the environment much worse.

San Francisco Republican Mason Harrison has joined a coalition launched on Tuesday called “Republicans for Johnson and Weld”.

Trump has said he himself was “viciously attacked” by the Khans, who appeared at last week’s Democratic convention and challenged the Republican’s fitness to be commander in chief.


That angers Hilary Hagenbuch, President of the San Francisco Young Republicans.

Trump dissed by Republican congressman, encouraging Clinton vote