
Clinton faces FBI interview over use of email

“Secretary Clinton gave a voluntary interview this morning about her email arrangements while she was secretary”, Nick Merrill, a campaign spokesman, said in a statement.


“I know that they live in that world of fantasy and hope because they’ve got a mess on their hands on the Republican side”, she said in an interview with Matt Lauer in April. She agreed that the tone of the session was civil and business-like.

The FBI’s probe into her emails has plagued the Clinton campaign from the start, resulting in more questions about her honesty and transparency.

The scandal has dogged her campaign for more than a year and has helped feed opponents’ arguments that she is not trustworthy.

But as the past week shows, the case is complicated.

A frequent defender of Hillary Clinton acknowledged Sunday the Loretta Lynch-Bill Clinton tarmac confab could set off alarm bells. Lynch said the conversation did not touch on the investigation, media reports say.

“This case will be resolved by the team that has been working on it from the beginning, ” Lynch said, acknowledging that the meeting with Bill Clinton “cast a shadow” over the ongoing inquiry.

Republicans have argued for days that the encounter compromised the integrity of the investigation.

Donald Trump has used the email scandal as proof Ms Clinton is unfit for the White House.

Analysts said she is not likely to be indicted.

The FBI completed an interview with the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton on Saturday. “What she did was wrong! What Bill did was stupid!” he tweeted.

Audience members raise their hands to ask a question of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton at a town hall discussion with digital content creators at Neuehouse Hollywood on June 28, 2016 in Los Angeles, California.

The probe is an unwelcome distraction for Clinton, who had just vanquished rival Bernie Sanders. The Associated Press revealed the existence of the server in March 2015.

The State Department’s Office of Inspector General issued an audit in May that found the former secretary of State disregarded cybersecurity guidelines by using a private email server during her tenure there and she did not seek authorization for her email account.

Clinton has consistently denied handling classified information in her private emails.

None of the e-mails on Clinton’s private server were marked classified at the time they were sent or received, but the Central Intelligence Agency later determined that some contained material that would be considered “top secret”. Although the meeting was not a surprise, it capped off what was already a trying week for Clinton.


The Federal Bureau of Investigation may conclude that “federal laws concerning national security” have been broken.

AG Lynch: Clinton Email Case Will Be Handled by 'Independent' Investigators 'Working on It From the Beginning'