
Clinton facing fresh worries in Congress over emails

According to IRS Statistics of Income Data for 2012 (the most recent year available), the new Hillary tax hike will hit about 23,000 New Hampshire households, based on the number of families who earned over $200,000 and itemized their deductions.


The Clinton campaign tells The Associated Press the candidate’s plan could increase enrollment to 250,000 volunteers and increase the maximum award to more than $23,000.

Read a fact sheet on Clinton’s plan to expand national service on The Briefing here. “Congress has not provided the funding”.

“I’ve completed my last show at OANN and I am profoundly grateful for their support over the past year”. The education awards, which are now taxed as income, would also be tax free, the campaign said. “By increasing participation in AmeriCorps, we can attract more young people to community building and enable them to do this work without the stress of paying off their college loans”. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) has continually dwindled over the past few months, and she trails him in the key primary state of New Hampshire.

“We’ll make a promise to students who perform national service”, she said at one meeting in Exeter, New Hampshire last Monday.

“Hillary Clinton gets it”, says former AmeriCorps service member Kendall Cloeter, of Roanoke, Va., in a Medium post telling her story. “I believe in service either national service, military service, some service that a young person can do to give back to our country”.


Expanding AmeriCorps will cost in the range of $20 billion in the next ten years and is fully paid for by the means laid out in the New College Compact. The AmeriCorps portion of the program would cost $20 billion over that period, the campaign said.

Huh, Hillary's 'Free' College Plan Isn't Actually Free