
Clinton favorability slides to equal Trump

In the 30 years that ABC has done the survey, Trump and Clinton are by far the most unpopular candidates.


Whitman acknowledged that she’s had gotten some pushback, but most of the comments she’s gotten have been supportive.

Clinton’s biggest danger is Trump gaining traction at the end of this race – just as he did in the Republican primaries – while the public’s rejection of her undermines her ability to stop him. But Mrs. Clinton has her own problems, as well. However, Trump declined, citing scheduling conflicts due to the Republican National Convention in Cleveland. That charge is now made – a charge so inflammatory in American society that it often need not have evidence before condemning the accused.

While Clinton’s campaign is in a relatively good place, she is still in bad shape.

She is not in lockstep agreement with the candidate, however. She registered at 40 percent favorable/57 percent unfavorable in July, according to Post/ABC polling – and then had a post-convention high of 46 percent favorable/52 percent unfavorable. But odds at the beginning of the too-long Presidential campaign said the flamboyant Trump had no chance in hell of beating out the gang of GOP Presidential wannabes who eventually fell by the wayside. Also in Clinton’s camp are Brookings Institution scholar and former Republican adviser Robert Kagan, foreign policy presidential adviser Brent Scowcroft, former Bush administration official Richard Armitage and former Bush Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson.

For now, Clinton’s hold on self-identified Democrats remains strong, while Trump has a higher than normal defection rate of Republicans. “Do I agree with Hillary Clinton and all her policies?” There appears nothing she can do to change that. “Poll after poll has showed that the Trump-Toomey ticket is a losing one in Pennsylvania”, said Sean Coit, McGinty campaign spokesman, Tuesday afternoon. That’s on par with Trump’s 37/60 split. However as the 16 fell away, Trump continued to grow. John McCain, of Arizona, a former prisoner of war in Vietnam, and said she would never insult prisoners of war or families of soldiers killed in combat, as Trump has. – Trump’s son and, like all of the GOP nominee’s adult children, a close adviser – told CNN’s Anderson Cooper on Tuesday that the campaign isn’t anxious about Schwartz. He has donated money to several Democrats running for office over the years, including Hillary Clinton. Only 34% of voters supported Trump. Whitman supports, for example, the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a free-trade pact that Clinton now opposes (but used to support). Americans are already hyper-sensitized on race relations.

There is something – or perhaps plenty of things – that the American people just don’t like about Clinton, and that’s keeping her from building the kind of momentum necessary to produce real coattails.

Emphasizing her respect for service, Clinton noted her work with Sen.

Expectedly, 88 percent of Republican voters see her unfavorably.


Why does the Secret Service want to build a higher fence around the White House and Hillary has what appears to be a 10-foot wall around her house in NY, but they are against building a wall between the USA and Mexico to cut down on illegal immigration of potential drug dealers, criminals and terrorists?

Immigration expert raises concern about Trump's speech tonight