
Clinton Foundation Promises to Change Donation Policy if Clinton Wins Presidency

Bill Clinton would step down from the foundation board and it would stop accepting money from foreign and corporate sources, the former president told staff on Wednesday. If Clinton wins the presidency this year, both her husband and daughter plan to step down from the board, and the organization will then only accept contributions from US citizens and independent charities.


Likewise, the Republicans have denounced that some of the donors snuggled-up too close to Hillary Clinton and her team during her 2009-2013 tenure as secretary of state.

“After all, if everything was above board while Hillary Clinton ran the State Department as the Clintons have said, then why change a thing?”

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Foreign nationals and countries are prohibited from donating directly to US political campaigns, but have given hundreds of millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation, which works globally to combat AIDS/HIV, malaria, childhood obesity and climate change, and promotes women’s rights and other causes. “It’d be impossible to keep the foundation open without at least the appearance of a problem”, he said.

Regardless of whether Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton wins or loses the elections, the Foundation will no longer organize the annual Clinton Global Initiative get-together of world leaders, philantropists and celebrities.

Silverstein has reported: “It is beyond dispute that former President Clinton has been directly involved in helping foundation donors and his personal cronies get rich”.

Hillary Clinton announces a new initiative between the Clinton Foundation, United Nations Foundation, and Bloomberg Philanthropies on December 15, 2014, in New York City.

President Clinton reportedly made the announcement to the foundation’s staffers on Thursday.

After months of campaigning, Bernie Sanders is finally getting under Hillary Clinton’s skin.

The Clinton Foundation has accepted large contributions from foreign dictatorships and corporations which have never shown any other interest in supporting the charitable causes the foundation cites as its focus.

After she left the State Department, the foundation resumed accepting donations from overseas.

Another concern: hackers or outlets such as the anti-secrecy WikiLeaks website could release documents and emails damaging to her presidential campaign, several people familiar with the foundation’s activities said.


Former president Bill Clinton celebrates his 70th birthday Friday poised to make history as America’s inaugural “first gentleman” should his wife win the election and propel the couple back into the White House, roles reversed.

Clinton Foundation hired cyber firm after suspected hacking: sources