
Clinton Foundation To Shrink Considerably If Hillary Clinton Is Elected

“The point is, she can’t just walk away from these 6,000 donors”, he said.


The Hillary Clinton email controversy will extend throughout her presidential campaign plus an Alabama senator is calling for the FBI to launch a full investigation into the Clinton Foundation.

US Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton holds a lead over her Republican rival Donald Trump by eight percentage points, according to a new NBC News/SurveyMonkey Weekly Election Online Tracking Poll issued on Tuesday.

Among black voters, Clinton holds a huge lead – 87 per cent of black voters said they will support her, while the NY billionaire only enjoys the support of 8 per cent.

Former President Bill Clinton and daughter Chelsea Clinton tour a primary school’s garden in Nairobi, Kenya previous year as part of a tour of the Clinton Foundation’s projects in the country.

The former president outlined the Clinton Foundation’s accomplishments and planned shift in scope in an email to about 500,000 supporters.

GOP Vice-Presidential candidate Indiana Gov. Mike Pence said the AP analysis was evidence of “pay-to-play” politics at Clinton’s State Department.

The fact that Clinton’s lead continues to increase over Trump no matter how much time the press spends on her emails was bad news for a corporate media establishment for whom a blowout presidential election will result in the loss of billions of dollars in potential profits.

Hillary Clinton met or talked by phone with at least 154 people from private interests, such as corporations, during her time as secretary of the state.

Hillary Clinton admitted to suffering from decision fatigue and discussed with one of her top aides while serving as USA secretary of state about taking a drug used to treat Parkinson’s disease, emails released by WikiLeaks revealed. Abraham was the head of the Center for Middle East Peace at the time, the Clinton campaign noted.

The new revelations from the conservative group Judicial Watch don’t appear to show examples of foundation donors getting something from the State Department after gaining access through the foundation. Throughout the process, he pleaded for help in messages routed to Clinton, and she ordered aides to find ways to assist him.

State Department spokesman Mark Toner said a “wide range” of outside individuals and organizations contact the State Department through both formal and informal channels.

Bill Clinton “will not be involved” in the initiatives that are spinning off or merging with another foundation, Shalala said.

The ex-president said in the event of another Clinton presidency, the foundation’s work, funding and his role in it would raise questions that would need to be resolved “in a way that keeps the good work going while eliminating legitimate concerns about potential conflicts of interest”. Clinton also introduced Schwarzman, then chairman of the Kennedy Center, before he spoke. The continued existence of the Clinton Foundation will be a distraction that America can not afford. Blackstone officials did not make Schwarzman available for comment.


Clinton also met in June 2011 with Nancy Mahon of the MAC AIDS, the charitable arm of MAC Cosmetics, which is owned by Estee Lauder. An appointment with Clinton and the prince later was arranged through the State Department. The Kingdom of Bahrain contributed between ,000 and 0,000 to the Clinton Foundation.

AP File