
Clinton gets briefing on major threats facing US

It’s not pay-to-play, unless somebody actually gave someone 50 cents to say, “I need a meeting'”. But it was started by Ms. Clinton.


As for white voters, Donald Trump is doing less well than his Republican predecessor of 2012, the patrician (and far more conventional) Mitt Romney.

Clinton, who is leading in the polls, has come under withering scrutiny over whether Clinton Foundation donors received favored access at the State Department while she was secretary of state during President Barack Obama’s first term.

“What he has said is that people are not going to be eligible for legalization or citizenship unless they leave the country and get back in line”, Christie, Trump’s transition team chairman, told host Martha Raddatz.

Clinton said her critics should look at the good work the foundation has done, for instance making low-priced HIV medicines available to millions around the world.

Dan Mahaffee, an analyst with the Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress, told Xinhua that Trump did avoid the temptation to go off script and has been more effective in message discipline recently. “But here’s the thing: The American people see right through it these days”.

Speaking with CNN’s Jake Tapper on Sunday, Pence said Kaine mentioning David Duke on Friday and Hillary Clinton herself delivering a speech denouncing the alt-right makes them “sound desperate”.

The incident permitted Trump to bring up again his desire to be a “law and order” president and underscore his drive to appeal to African-American voters who traditionally vote Democratic and overwhelmingly support Democratic rival Hillary Clinton.

Don DeBar, an anti-war activist and radio host in NY, made the remarks in a phone interview with Press TV on Saturday while commenting on Clinton’s statement that no revelations from emails or foreign entities’ ties to the Clinton Foundation are going to stop her from becoming president of the United States.

In turn, Trump is trying to paint Clinton as the racist.

She added: “All of us can’t be held responsible for the way that everybody thinks about and responds to and talks about the coverage. But she doesn’t do anything”.

Unlike the new health pledge, Trump still refuses to match Clinton’s transparency by releasing his taxes.

Clinton later released an ad that had Ku Klux Klan and white nationalists raving about Trump, which his campaign called “repulsive”.

Clinton, meanwhile, kept up her verbal assault on Trump’s campaign, asserting in an MSNBC interview Friday that it is built on “prejudice and paranoia” and caters to a radical fringe of the Republican Party. “I made policy decisions based on what I thought was right to keep America safe and protect our interests overseas”.


Like we said at the beginning, Christie was put in a tough spot on Sunday. As Josh Marshall has argued at Talking Points Memo, a mix of racial grievance and desire to reclaim what is being taken away “has been the centerpiece of Trump’s campaign from the outset, far more than any sort of economic arguments or anything else”.

Hillary is Terrified and Will Lose Nicholas J. Fuentes