
Clinton: Half of Trump’s Supporters Are in ‘Basket of Deplorables’

Trump’s comments came during a televised national security forum where he and Clinton each fielded 30 minutes of questions about their experience and judgment to be commander in chief.


Among Trump’s comments was his extensive praise of Russian President Vladimir Putin – Trump even went as far as to say he was a better leader than Barack Obama.

Several hours later, Trump tweeted that he respects all voters, even those that will never support him.

The Republican nominee also took frequent shots at Clinton, hitting the former secretary of State on issues ranging from ongoing problems in Libya to her handling of private emails.

“I’m not interested in giving aid and comfort to their evil ambitions”, she said. “Once I get over my allergic reaction, let me say we’re here in part because we know how important this election is to OH”, she said, following up by appearing not to miss a beat. “Every time I think about Trump I get allergic”, she said in the midst of her coughing fit during a Cleveland rally, Ohio.

“I just watched her on the tarmac”.

“Last night was yet another test, and Donald Trump failed yet again”, Clinton said Thursday morning, in what was her first formal press conference in 278 days. On Aug. 21, Clinton had a 5 point lead. She and affiliated committees had $152 million, compared to Trump’s $97 million, as the campaign told the Wall Street Journal this week.

The forum offered a prelude to how Clinton and Trump will deal with questions of national security in their three upcoming presidential debates later in September and in October.

She had been speaking at an LGBT event in NY on Friday when she made the apparent gaffe.

Standing on the tarmac at the Westchester County Airport, the Democratic presidential nominee spent four minutes slamming Trump as ill-informed on foreign policy before fielding five questions from reporters.

Breitbart News emailed the Clinton campaign to learn what percentage of Donald Trump’s supporters she now believes fit in the “basket of deplorables” but did not receive a response. She also fleshed out several national security priorities if she is elected, including trying to take out the leader of the Islamic State and vowing to defeat the extremist group without putting USA troops on the ground in Iraq or Syria.

Donald Trump has been catching some heat for his characterization of his stance on the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

Still, the government’s most senior Republican stressed Thursday that he does not share Trump’s complimentary view of Putin. “That’s not only unsafe, it should be disqualifying”.

At a fundraiser Friday night in Manhattan, Clinton strongly criticized Trump, as well as his supporters.

And Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway tweeted, “One day after promising to be aspirational & uplifting, Hillary insults millions of Americans”. Some supporters shrugged off his comments about Putin.


“He doesn’t agree with his style of government”. After Trump touted 88 retired military figures backing his campaign earlier this week, Clinton’s campaign has sought to keep the upper hand, noting her growing list of endorsements.

Clinton and Trump courting Ohio voters on Labor Day