
Clinton has nine-point lead over Trump, shows poll

It’s just Trump’s latest foray into negative campaigning, coming just days after the GOP nominee said he was “starting to agree” with his supporters chanting “Lock her up” in reference to Clinton at a recent rally.


And he slammed left-winger Bernie Sanders for throwing his weight behind Mrs Clinton, his rival for the Democratic nomination.

The comments come after a row over Trump’s attack on the parents of US Army Captain Humayun Khan, who was killed by a auto bomb in 2004 in Iraq.

“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing”, he said unsmilingly at a news conference, referring to supposedly personal emails that were deleted from Clinton’s private server.

Thirty-one per cent of voters have a positive opinion of Mr. Trump, which is about the same as before the Republican convention, according to CBS. “And I think that’s wrong”.

“And I hope the Republicans are watching closely or it’s going to be taken away from us”. Let liberals imagine a world in which every dollar that they or anyone else give to try to defeat Trump is matched on the other side with some multiple of taxpayer dollars to subsidize Trump to make sure that he is “competitive” and to counteract the “influence of big money”. Trump struck back by questioning whether Ghazala Khan had been allowed to speak.

Mr Trump, avoiding the confrontation, said that it can not be made public until the financial authorities have completed an audit.

Khan spoke emotionally of the sacrifice his son had made for the country as an American Muslim, specifically criticising Trump’s proposal to ban Muslims from entering the country.

Both conventions featured their candidate’s family members prominently, but Americans aren’t so sure they should have that much of a role in any administration.

Last year, Trump claimed that McCain – who was taken prisoner for five years during the Vietnam War – was not a hero since he had been captured.


“If he studied the real Islam and Koran, all the ideas he gets from terrorists would change, because terrorism is a different religion”.

Why Hillary Clinton needs a miracle to beat Donald Trump