
Clinton Hiring Staff in Battleground States for General Election

Of the 54 available free-agent delegates in the state, 39 of them have said that they will support Trump on the first ballot of the Republican convention, media reports said yesterday.


But never fear, the underdog senator is not ready to throw in the towel – the campaign says that they will be focusing all of their efforts on campaigning in California in an effort to win the delegate-heavy state in June.

With seven months before the presidential elections, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and real estate mogul Donald Trump have strengthened their potential nominations after primaries on Tuesday.

“Being the recipient of more eye rolls from my wife than any human being on earth”, Christie said at a public event, “that was not an eye roll”. “We win in elections where the turnout is high, we lose where the turnout is low”, Sanders told reporter, James Gherardi in a one on one interview.

“We need someone in the White House who isn’t afraid to fight for equal rights for women”, said Warren.

With Trump’s victory in the last five contests in Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland and Rhode Island, and Clinton winning four of them, the gap between the front-runners and their rivals have enlarged.

The senator referenced that strategy at a rally in Indiana Wednesday, saying that if he can’t win, “We’re going to have the votes to put together the strongest progressive agenda that any political party has ever seen”.

Clinton also faces the task of drawing Sanders’s supporters to her side after the Democratic National Convention in July.

Looking ahead to a potential general-election battle between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, Stephen Colbert called the race the “match-up America did something to deserve”.

But a Clinton nomination seems more and more inevitable, even to Sanders voters.

“She’s got problems. I don’t even know if she can run”, he said, pointing to the email scandal that has plagued her campaign. “Nobody respects women more than I do”, he said.


In December, when Fiorina was still a candidate for the GOP nomination, she expressed a different view. Although Sanders has stated he would endorse Clinton as the nominee, many of his supporters see Clinton as part of the plutocracy they’re fighting against.

Trump says Clinton is playing the'woman card. But studies show it probably wouldn't help her beat him