
Clinton interviewed by Federal Bureau of Investigation about private email server

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks at a campaign rally in Pittsburgh on June 14.


Donald Trump sounded off on Twitter Saturday about Hillary Clinton’s three-and-a-half-hour meeting with FBI investigators in their probe of their private email use, saying, “what she did was wrong”.

Clinton has said no classified information was sent from or stored on the server, though the State Department in reviewing the emails has retroactively classified almost two dozen messages for containing sensitive information.

“The bottom line for me is I respect the professionalism and integrity of the officials at the Department of Justice handling this process”, she said.

US Attorney General Loretta Lynch said she will take as gospel what the FBI recommends, as a result of its investigation into Hillary Clinton.

FBI officials are expected to conclude their investigation soon.

Lynch said that she would follow the recommendations of prosecutors who are examining whether Hillary Clinton violated any laws through her use of the private email system.

“Look, I think both of them wish their airplanes had never come anywhere near each other”, Schiff, a member of the House Intelligence Committee and the Benghazi Committee, said on CBS’ “Face the Nation”.

The day before, it was revealed that Ms Lynch had met the former president, Mrs Clinton’s husband Bill, in what she described as a “social” meeting but which she admitted would “cast a shadow” over the way her role in the case would be perceived. That Clinton would approach Lynch while her Justice Department was investigating his wife’s actions, and that Lynch would speak to him, opened a new angle of criticism about the Clintons’ judgment and sense of entitlement.

The key question is whether the server and Clinton’s conduct breached the legal standards for mishandling classified information.

The scandal has dogged her campaign for more than a year and has helped feed opponents’ arguments that she is not trustworthy.

Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump on Saturday called for charges to be filed against Clinton in the case.

FBI Director James Comey said in testimony to Congress in March he felt pressure to complete the investigation quickly.

In recent months, several current and former Clinton aides have also reportedly been interviewed by Federal Bureau of Investigation. Clinton declined to talk to the inspector general, but the audit said that she had feared “the personal being accessible” if she used a government email account.


Clinton is considering potential vice presidential choices and preparing to formally receive the Democratic nomination on July 28 at the party’s convention in Philadelphia.

Courtesy KNOE