
Clinton is most trusted on terrorism

Several Republican presidential candidates insisted Syrian refugees pose a potential danger to America and should not be allowed into the country, despite growing criticism within and outside their party for a few of their statements.


Perhaps the worst of all is Donald Trump’s recent openness to the idea of having all Muslims registered in a database, along with his suggestion that it might be necessary to shut down mosques and force all who share my faith to carry a special ID card.

Ohio Gov. John Kasich said on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that a question from host Chuck Todd was “the first I’ve ever heard of it”.

We’ve also asked likely GOP voters in Iowa who they think will win the nomination.

With King riding in the second vehicle of Cruz’s two-car caravan, Cruz refused to condemn [any of King’s] comments when pressed.

“The stark reality is that unless something dramatic and unconventional is done, Trump will be the Republican nominee and Hillary Clinton will become president”, Mair continued.

Trump has pledged to be the toughest of all candidates toward people posing threats to the U.S. On Sunday he said on ABC’s “This Week” that he supported waterboarding on terrorism suspects – a practice that human rights advocates consider to be torture.

“I certainly do not remember anyone saying that thousands or even hundreds of people were celebrating”, Kolvaleski told the Post. If polling is to be believed, there simply aren’t any great options among the early voting states-Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Nevada-to stop Donald Trump before he claims all of Florida’s delegates. In a post on Twitter, Mr. Trump complained that it was a reporter, not he, who had first raised the idea of a database.

The rest of the field remains far behind Trump, with the closest contender being Florida Sen. C’mon. If he does it, it’ll only be because he has no choice. But right now Cruz and Rubio have their work cut out for them.

Over the weekend, fellow GOP candidate Donald Trump said he saw New Jersey residents celebrating the 9/11 terrorist attacks – a claim that has been challenged by fact checkers.

And if that’s not enough, maybe Cruz will moderate a few of those positions just a tad. “People want a person who is strong leader”.

But then Suffolk and the Globe added something to the mix. “Militarily, we need to intensify our efforts in the air – and on the ground”.

A few number will leave either through deportation or self-deportation. (The Obama economy’s done wonders for that.) The millions left over who are still here will either get to stay or – well, let’s face it, they’ll get to stay, the euphemism about “conversation” notwithstanding. He’s going to crack down on illegals and the border.

If in – I’ll give you an example. Seven percent said the same of Vermont Sen.


In both polls, no other candidates top 3% – a crucial marker, since debate sponsor CNN has announced that a 3.5% national average (or a 4% average in Iowa or New Hampshire) is necessary to make the cut for the next GOP presidential debate on December 15. And as long as King is willing to look the other way at Cruz’s “conversation” rhetoric about legalization, so will most other border hawks.

Uh Oh Poll Shows Hillary Getting KILLED In State Obama Won Twice