
Clinton is now equally as disliked as Trump

Hillary Clinton plans to stress her support for American exceptionalism during a speech in the battleground state of OH, while arguing that Donald Trump has rejected the concept.


Donald Trump trails Hillary Clinton by just 2% in a four-way race, according to a Fox News poll released Wednesday. The new poll finds Clinton with a 38% favorable/54% unfavorable rating among registered voters, down from 47% favorable/49% unfavorable in July.

Though many national and state polls show Clinton with an edge, she has been stressing that the campaign must not take anything for granted.

Among likely voters, Clinton holds 45% support – and Trump holds 42% support with 10% supporting neither.

Clinton has slightly stronger support among Democrats than Trump has among Republicans, although Trump has a slim 37 percent to 34 percent lead among Independents.

In the previous poll, conducted August 4 to 7, Clinton had 46 percent of registered voters’ support, while Trump had 36 percent, with 16 percent expressing no preference. “The challenge is figuring out how to get people who don’t like them at all to get out and vote for them”. Clinton had a slight edge on Trump, with 50 percent saying they viewed her unfavorably, 7 percent lower than her Republican opponent.

Clinton leads Trump among voters who think the future will be the same or better.

That lead has shrunk from six percent earlier this month (49 to 43).

Trump leads Clinton with white men (50/38 percent) and white voters without a college degree (57/32 percent). Responding to Clinton’s remarks, Matt Miller, director of Veterans for Trump, said in a statement that Clinton “is fundamentally unequipped to further the national security interests of the United States and stand up for our veterans”.

Both 2016 presidential candidates have bad favorability ratings, however.

– Almost one third thinks the election is rigged, either for Clinton (23 percent), for Trump (5 percent), or who knows (4 percent).

The poll shows 58 percent have an unfavorable view of Clinton, while 63 percent of registered voters have an unfavorable view of Trump. His visit Wednesday to that country to meet with its president, Enrique Peña Nieto, has heightened expectations for his immigration speech Wednesday night.

When asked about feelings towards the police, 86 percent said the police make them feel mostly safe, while 12 percent said they feel mostly anxious. Clinton, meanwhile, has the backing of 89 percent of Wisconsin Democrats.


The poll interviewed 803 registered Wisconsin voters by landline or cell phone, August 25 to 28.

Hillary Clinton Aug. 25 2016