
Clinton is recovering well, says campaign

Dr. Lisa Bardack, who signed the letter and has treated Clinton since 2001, wrote that Clinton “continues to remain healthy and fit to serve as President of the United States”.


When the Democratic nominee stumbled leaving an event honoring the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks in NY on Sunday, her campaign initially blamed the heat, saying Clinton had become “overheated”.

Clinton traveled to North Carolina on Thursday for her first campaign event after she almost collapsed at the memorial service on Sunday.

Clinton aides say she will return to the campaign trail on Thursday after falling ill in public at the weekend. That information, however, has not been provided to reporters.Dr. Bardack also revealed she evaluated Clinton on September 2 for a fever, congestion and fatigue.”Over the next several days as she traveled, her congestion worsened and she developed a cough”.

Mrs Clinton had been diagnosed with pneumonia and told to rest last Friday, but said she ignored “that very wise advice” and continued her campaign schedule. Clinton released information from her doctor more than a year ago and provided updated information Wednesday following her pneumonia diagnosis. His campaign said that the real estate mogul’s appearance on “The Dr. Oz Show” will reveal details regarding his overall well-being and his family’s medical history.

Dr Bardack said Mrs Clinton’s vital signs remained normal.

Panel votes to exempt Olympic medals from taxes MORE on Wednesday released in-depth information from her medical records, including her personal physician saying “she is in excellent mental condition”.

While she leads Donald Trump in a variety of categories – including experience, intelligence and level-headedness – likely voters say Hillary Clinton is less honest and less transparent than the Republican presidential nominee, according to a new national Quinnipiac Poll.

The full show is due to air Thursday. Clinton who will turn 69 next month will be the second oldest.

“This was an ailment that many people just power through, and that’s what I thought I would do as well”, said Clinton. So the Clinton campaign’s releasing additional information to try to put the questions to bed.


Hillary Clinton was sidelined for three days with pneumonia. He later said he had written the letter in five minutes as a limousine sent by the candidate idled outside.

Bill Clinton's Casual Remark About Hillary's Health Mysteriously Edited Out by CBS News