
Clinton joins Sanders with Colorado TV ads

You know, from my perspective, maybe because I understand what President Obama inherited, not only the worst financial crisis but the antipathy of the Republicans in Congress, I don’t think he gets the credit he deserves for being a president …


Sanders rebutted Clinton’s assertion that his plan would undermine the Affordable Care Act, President Barack Obama’s signature domestic achievement, saying his life’s work has been dedicated to ensuring health care was “a right for all people”. Sanders about our president, I expect from Republicans. “I happen to believe [he] was one of the most destructive secretaries of state in the modern history of this country”.

“Madam Secretary, that is a low blow”, said Sanders, a USA senator from Vermont. He gained more Facebook and Twitter followers than Clinton, and maintained his grip on American curiosity, as shown by Google Trends data. Clinton then co-opted Sander’s praise of the president, saying, “I strongly support the president’s executive actions”.

Clinton questioned Sanders’ foreign policy experience in the previous debate, and her allies have pointed to a mistake Sanders made last week when he said North Korea “is such an isolated country run by a handful of dictators, or maybe just one”.

Bernie Sanders and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton were merely “pandering” prior to primaries in South Carolina (Feb. 27) and Nevada (Feb. 23).

Attempting Thursday night to boost his own support from minorities, Sanders peppered his typically economic-focused rhetoric with calls to reform a “broken criminal justice system” that incarcerates a disproportionate number of minorities. Most boldly, he promised that by the end of his first term as president, the USA would no longer lead the world in incarceration.

“Honestly, it’s to see Bill Clinton”, said Cole Wirpel of Atlanta. “I am conscious of the fact that we have to also be very clear, especially with young people, about what kind of government is going to do what for them and what it will cost”. Clinton defended Kissinger, and said she would speak with anyone who can offer good advice.

DONALD TRUMP (R), Republican Presidential Candidate: And I see he is bringing his brother in now.

The mayor also accused Sanders of taking a “shortcut” by running as a Democrat instead of remaining an independent. She can’t afford to alienate the young voters who are overwhelmingly backing Sanders in the primary, if she does become the Democratic nominee.

Sanders outstripped Clinton’s campaign in fundraising last month by pulling in large sums from small donations collected online. Clinton said those proposals come with unrealistic price tags. “I am proud to say that Henry Kissinger is not my friend”, Mr. Sanders said.

Sanders didn’t put a price on his policies, but neither did he shy away from the notion that he wants to expand the size of government. “Why in God’s name does Wall Street make huge campaign contributions?”


But at several points during the debate, the candidates went beyond opposing views and engaged in disputes that both campaigns criticized as negative or out of step with the positive tone both had promised to uphold.

Democratic presidential debate in Milwaukee