
Clinton jokes with Jimmy Fallon after GOP debate

In an appearance on NBC’s The Tonight Show, host Jimmy Fallon donned the Donald do and the pomp to perform a faux interview with Clinton, who pretended to be speaking with the real thing.


Clinton says that at least Sanders’ hair doesn’t swirl like a soft-serve ice cream from Dairy Queen.

Justin Bieber sent the crew of The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon scrambling when he backed out of a sketch at the last minute. Even on her first late night TV appearance of the 2016 campaign.

“I’m sure I’ll see you at the next one”, Clinton said.

Once again, Jimmy Fallon bronzed-up, wig-ed out and impersonated Trump in a fake phone conversation in which he offered Clinton some patented presidential advice. “I am curious, Donald, what is your stance on women’s issues?” “Are you writing all this down?” “If I need somebody, I’m going to call you”, said Fallon. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) has cut her national lead to 10 percentage points, according to a recent CNN/ORC poll and he’s topped Clinton in a handful of Iowa and New Hampshire polls.

Fallon quickly shifted gears to say, “The headline should be: ‘Grandma knows how to use email.’ That’s wonderful !”

“Do you have any idea what it’s like to work so hard for something, to be so close to getting it, then someone pops out of nowhere and tries to take it all away”, Clinton asked.

“There are thousands of them that are already out there”, Clinton replied.

Clinton also tried to counteract the problem by launching her campaign small, posting videos showing her talking to normal people in Iowa and elsewhere. “My question is, did you know who Kim Kardashian was when you took the selfie?”

Clinton called the content in her e-mails “boring”. “And I have plan to lower the debt, reduce the interest rates, give people more of a chance to pay it off by doing some kind of service, and put a date certain where you’re done”.

No word yet from Trump on what he thinks of Fallon’s impersonation, but keep an eye out on his Twitter. “Now that he is running for president it is a little more troubling”.


“Raising Americans’ income”, she responded.

Clinton Trump campaign is'amazing