
Clinton, Kaine Add Cleveland; Trump To Columbus

“Does Donald Trump have the temperament to be commander-in-chief?” she asked.


A poll released Thursday showed Hillary Clinton with a massive lead over Donald Trump in Pennsylvania – a state both presidential candidates are zeroing in on.

For example, we’re being given the “bounce” that the conventions have supposedly given their presidential candidates, but an increase of a few percentage points should be suspect, particularly if you consider the margin of error in political polls.

Mason-Dixon pollster Brad Coker said the results suggest Missouri may be returning to the national barometer status it held before 2008. To consider just the Hispanic vote, in crucial states such as Florida and Virginia, as well as throughout the Southwest, Trump’s provocative comments have spurred Hispanic voter registration, which could give Clinton an even bigger boost.

The campaign has turned to Leslie Dach, a former Wal-Mart executive and aide to former President Bill Clinton, to convince Republicans – particularly those in business – to back Clinton.

Clinton’s Republican opponent, Donald Trump, will hold campaign events Friday in Colorado Springs and Denver, Colorado.

“It’s a dad meme going on right now”, Podesta chuckled.

Holland acknowledged Trump may not be the most popular candidate among some Republicans, “but I think he attracts a different kind of voter”.

The closeness of the Missouri race in this poll reflects national polling trends.

Almost 41 percent of those surveyed favored Clinton, 35 percent favored Trump, and 25 percent picked “Other”, according to the new July 25-29 online poll of 1,043 likely voters. “She’s pandering, and I don’t like it”, says Brandiece Berry. “It may be a purple state again as it was 10 years ago”.

Although he withheld his support from Donald Trump throughout the primary, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney admitted Trump could win the November 8 general election and become the 45th USA president. However, two out of three recent polls showed incumbent US Senator Pat Toomey with a lead over Democrat Katie McGinty, in one Q-poll by ten points. Trump’s corresponding numbers were 51 percent unfavorable, 33 percent favorable. He just can not get behind Trump or Clinton right now. Clinton got the support of virtually all the black respondents. But “it’s been an easy transition”, he said, and they’ve enjoyed each other’s company.

Virtually no Democrats said they supported Johnson. Bernie Sanders either don’t vote or gravitate to Green Party candidate Jill Stein, who barely showed up in his Missouri poll. “But you know what, you know what, I’m starting to agree with you”, he said. If Johnson is not in the debates, then people will think they are wasting their votes. But he did not mention the fresh questions about whether he has changed his position to join Clinton’s in wanting to overturn a law that bars taxpayer dollars from being used for abortion. Clinton has double-digit advantages in the traditionally Democratic Kansas City and St. Louis metro areas.

Clinton, Kaine, and their spouses took a private tour the factory before the candidates spoke. Instead, Trump is losing a state that he should be winning.


Meanwhile, the board praised Clinton for her vast experience and lifelong dedication to public service. In their July 17 poll, Clinton led Trump by one point, 46 to 45, among registered voters. More voters than ever before self-identify as independent 32.88%, while 29.9% identify as Democrat and 27.9% as Republican. Mitt Romney won the rural western Pennsylvania county in 2012.

102 days: Now, the sprint to November