
Clinton, Kaine begins bus tour

PHILADELPHIA (AP) – Fresh off a spirited convention, Hillary Clinton told prospective voters Friday they face a “stark choice” in November and pressed ahead with the scalding rhetoric against her Republican rival that marked numerous speeches in Philadelphia. “For one to use it as it as the Democrats intended it to be used, and I don’t think Trump handled it the way he should have on his end”. “I know we can do better”, she said a day after accepting the Democrats’ presidential nomination at the party’s convention in Philadelphia.


Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump rated higher than Hillary Clinton’s acceptance speech for starters.

“At this moment, I do not know”.

“I do tremble before those who would scapegoat other Americans, who would insult people because of their religion, their ethnicity their disability”, she told parishioners in a Cleveland church on Sunday morning.

“He’s got a track record of people believing in him and getting stiffed”, Kaine said.

Groen hopes the tour will put a spotlight on Pennsylvania, including Pittsburgh, which, in recent years, has transformed from a somewhat beaten-down Rust Belt city into a community – with a strong eds and meds foundation – that has recently received many recognitions for its livability.

Trump is also focusing on OH and Pennsylvania, as states where he might make headway with blue-collar white men.

Throngs lined up hours before the Harrisburg event.

“Our commander-in-chief shouldn’t insult and deride our generals, retired or otherwise”, Clinton told a crowd gathered on the factory floor.

And Clinton offered an open hand to backers of Vermont Sen.

When pressed on his support of the Hyde Amendment, the Virginia senator acknowledged he still supports it but implied that his personal views won’t impede his ability to support Clinton and her campaign promise to repeal the amendment.

Holly Sebastian, a Cumberland County Democratic Committee member, bristled a little when asked about Sanders.

“I want to thank Bernie Sanders”.

Michael Beard, an Undecided Voter said, “I thought it humanized her. In Q and A’s in debates and everything else, she seemed nearly robotic”.

Dave Miranda, communications director of the state Democratic Party, says the Clinton campaign already has begun airing TV ads. Sanders, meanwhile, has spent more than two weeks trying to convince his supporters to go with Clinton. “She probably, maybe she wasn’t allowed to have anything to say”, Trump said, in an interview with ABC’s “This Week”.

Kaine said: “We are on this tour so that we can talk about the American economy: to talk about manufacturing; to talk about the way to grow jobs and make sure everybody benefits from our economic growth, not just a few”. Sounding more like a pundit than the subject of all the vitriol, he pronounced her speech “so average” and “full of cliches”. He backed Obama in his elections. Trump also said the NFL complained to him about the debate schedule in a letter, but the league said it sent no such letter.


“We’ve got a large field organization on the ground already and they’ve been operating for more than a month now”, he said.

102 days: Now, the sprint to November