
Clinton, Kaine coming to Ohio after DNC

Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla., to quit as chairwoman immediately.


Party wrangles aside, Clinton is within just days of her long-held ambition to become the party’s official presidential nominee. Still, Mr. Trump made an aggressive case to the voters in Thursday night’s acceptance speech.

A devout Catholic but a pragmatic liberal, Kaine is personally against abortion and the death penalty, but has voted pro-choice in the U.S. senate and oversaw 11 state executions as governor of Virginia.

Bloomberg has been sharply critical of Trump, and in particular of his fellow New Yorker’s inflammatory rhetoric on immigration. They spoke Sunday at a downtown Philadelphia news conference.

The Democratic National Committee’s rules panel has decided that Rep. Marcia Fudge of OH will preside over convention sessions beginning Monday.

“On the big stuff, she’s got it right”, he said.

And at this point of widespread discontent with both Mr. Trump and Mrs. Clinton, it appears inevitable that many people will really vote against, not for, one or the other.

Still in question is what role Wasserman Schultz might play during this week’s Democratic convention.

The Kaine pick, along with the recent DNC e-mail leaks that showed messages detailing how the party favored Clinton over Sanders, has frustrated Sanders’ supporters.

Hillary Clinton and running mate Tim Kaine are planning a bus tour through Pennsylvania and OH after the Democratic National Convention.

“I don’t know what their convention was about, other than criticizing me, ‘ she said during at appearance on CBS” 60 Minutes, her first televised interview with running mate Sen Tim Kaine.

She said she had no nickname for Donald Trump, despite his repeated use of the derisive term “Crooked Hillary” to refer to her and that she wouldn’t “engage in that kind of insult-fest that he seems to thrive on”.

“I think everyone is allowed that privilege or opportunity to change their mind”, she said. He added: “Most of us stopped the name-calling thing about fifth grade”.

“There is no room in this house for cowards”, Hillary Clinton recalls her mother saying when Clinton was a young girl facing some neighborhood bullies.

‘I’m going to respond to what he has said that I think is so fundamentally at odds with who we are as a nation, where we need to be heading in the future, and the kind of unsafe, risky leadership that he’s promising, ‘ she said. He’d personally given them to the senator and his wife. “Torque solos americans todos”, Kaine said, which translates as “Welcome to everyone in our country because we are all Americans”. Strother has known Kaine since he began attending St. Elizabeth in the 1980s and described him as both a friend and mentor.

On the hacked emails, Clinton’s campaign manager, Robby Mook, tried to shift blame away from DNC officials to “Russian state actors” who, he said, may have hacked into DNC computers “for the goal of helping Donald Trump”, the Republican presidential nominee. “I’m a little disappointed he’s not more progressive in some areas”.

Donald Trump isn’t giving up the spotlight as Democrats meet in Philadelphia to formally make Hillary Clinton their presidential nominee. Primary rival Bernie Sanders took his time endorsing Clinton, and even then didn’t release his delegates.


At a news conference Sunday, Norman Solomon, a Sanders delegate from California and national coordinator of a group of Sanders delegates called the Bernie Delegates Network, said Kaine’s positions on a range of issues were unacceptable to Sanders supporters.

The Latest: Democrats reach a compromise on superdelegates