
Clinton-Kaine ticket set to debut in Miami

Hillary Clinton and Virginia Sen.


Tim Kaine as her vice presidential running mate, Clinton said Friday.

Overall, thirty-six percent of likely voters in these states report feeling more positively about Donald Trump following the convention, while 32% report feeling more negatively.

Hilary Clinton is bound to use Kaine effectively in some of the battle ground states where the minority vote seemed crucial. He believes this ticket is just what their party needs to win the White House. We’ll see. One thing about the Kaine pick: It signals a surprising amount of confidence within Team Clinton that this election is an easy lay-up the rest of the way requiring no easy panders to goose turnout among the Democratic base.

Clinton, the wife of former President Bill Clinton, told cheering supporters Saturday in Miami that Kaine is ready to become president if she were to die in office.

“Hillary’s just collected millions and millions of dollars in speaking fees”.

“Tim is an extremely bright guy, a very nice guy”, said Sanders.

Hillary Clinton “felt sad” watching a Republican National Convention that was mostly about “criticizing me”, she said an interview aired Sunday night on CBS’ “60 Minutes”. They’re trying to distance Kaine from his gubernatorial successor Bob McDonnell, who was convicted of corruption charges, but the Supreme Court overturned that conviction in June.

But major labor and pro-Democratic groups praised the Kaine pick, including Planned Parenthood, AFL-CIO and other big unions, and the Sierra Club. Elizabeth Warren of MA, a black lawmaker like U.S. Sen.

They made a point to point out their similarities. Sanders supporters had hoped that she’d choose more of a liberal stalwart as her running mate.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is joined by Sen. Job killer!” In a tweet earlier in the day, Trump wrote that Kaine was “owned by the banks.

Before he got his start in politics, Kaine worked as a missionary in Honduras, where he learned Spanish.

“He fights for the people he represents, and he delivers real results”, Clinton said, applying one of her favorite self-descriptions to him. That means the new Democratic veep got the full Clinton approval before his Miami debut Saturday, but are Tim Kaine and Bill Clinton friends?

Judith Sweeney, 58, from West Park, Fla., said she knew little about Kaine before attending the speech but was impressed by his resume and liked his civil rights work and school reform efforts.


“She’s clearly damaged party unity” with the Kaine choice, added Norman Solomon, coordinator of the national Bernie Delegates Network.

Clinton Kaine in Miami