
Clinton keeps big lead on Trump in NY

The New York billionaire is leading in the race for delegates to this July’s GOP convention, but many establishment Republicans consider him an all but certain loser in the general election who might pull the party’s congressional candidates down with him.


Rubio insists he feels “real good about the map as we move forward”, telling the Associated Press Sunday he believes voters across the GOP spectrum want “an optimistic message of conservatism”, not just the “anger and frustration” Trump has tapped.

The delegate math highlights the importance of primaries in states like OH and Florida, which allocate all of their delegates to the victor. Republican candidates were fighting for 150 delegates, while 179 Democratic delegates were at stake in the party’s two primaries.

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz says his campaign has been in touch with Mitt Romney, who has boosted Sen.

And while it’s still early and many results remain to be counted, tonight does appear to have the makings of a big night for Donald Trump. Cruz slammed frontrunner Donald Trump often during his 25-minute speech.

Cruz will collect at least 36 delegates for winning the Republican caucuses in Kansas and Maine, Trump at least 18 and Rubio at least six and Kasich three.

On the Democratic side, Hillary Clinton easily cruised to a victory in MS, according to exit polls.

Having entered Tuesday’s contests facing a barrage of criticism from rival candidates and outside groups, he also delighted in overcoming the attacks.

“Because Rubio has failed to do his job as a senator, broken the promises he made to Floridians and backed away from his lone signature piece of legislation on immigration, we can not endorse him for president”, the newspaper wrote.

At a Senate Judiciary Committee meeting Thursday, Graham chuckled about polls that had showed Clinton as the front-runner. Kasich reiterated that an OH win would reset the race, but he declined to spell out exactly how that would happen given his poor position in the delegate race.

Cruz captured the Idaho primary in the west of the country.

Ohio Gov. John Kasich has landed the high-profile endorsement of Ohio State’s head football coach ahead of the state’s critical presidential primary.

It takes 1,237 delegates to win the Republican nomination for president. Though, that question wasn’t asked about any of the other candidates, and, to be fair, 8 percent of Florida Republicans ended up voting for Barack Obama in 2012.

Limbaugh also railed against both parties’ establishments, which he says has “botched” everything they’ve tried to fix.

Of more outcome is her more than 2-to-1 delegate lead over Sanders: 1,134 to 502, before Tuesday’s results.


Rubio, who finished no better than third anywhere and has only one win so far, insisted the upcoming schedule of primaries is “better for us”, and renewed his vow to win his home state of Florida, claiming all 99 delegates there on March 15.
